Hướng dẫn ôn tập môn tiếng Anh: Kỳ thi công chức trong các cơ quan, đơn vị Của đảng, mặt trận tổ quốc việt nam và các tổ chức chính trị xã hội trên địa bàn tỉnh năm 2020

Hướng dẫn ôn tập môn tiếng Anh

Hướng dẫn ôn tập môn tiếng Anh Kỳ thi công chức trong các cơ quan, đơn vị Của đảng, mặt trận tổ quốc việt nam và các tổ chức chính trị xã hội trên địa bàn.

Kỳ thi công chức trong các cơ quan, đơn vị

Của đảng, mặt trận tổ quốc việt nam và các tổ chức chính trị xã hội trên địa bàn tỉnh năm 2019

Hướng dẫn ôn tập môn tiếng anh

Hình thức: Thi trắc nghiệm trên máy vi tính

Nội dung:

Thí sinh được kiểm tra kỹ năng sử dụng ngôn ngữ, kỹ năng đọc, viết môn tiếng Anh, dạng bài trắc nghiệm khách quan, mỗi câu hỏi bao gồm 04 phương án trả lời và chỉ có duy nhất 1 phương án đúng. Trình độ A (Bậc 2 theo quy định tại Thông tư số 01/2014/TT-BGDĐT ngày 24 tháng 01 năm 2014 của Bộ Giáo dục và Đào tạo ban hành khung năng lực ngoại ngữ 6 bậc dùng cho Việt Nam)

* Thời gian làm bài: 30 phút

* Số câu hỏi: 30 câu.


Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence.

Can you see the man ______ is sitting at that table?

whose b. who c. whom                     d. which

The children slept deeply _____ the noise.

in spite b. despite c. although                 d. because

I talked to _______ grandmother for three hours last night.

he             him                         c. his                           d. himself

I want a new TV _____ the one I have now is broken.

and b. but c. so                            d. because

Breakfast, lunch and dinner are ________.

eatings b. food c. foodtimes              d. meals

Excuse me, I think you’ve ________ a mistake in our bill.

made b. done c. had                          d. given

We ________ live in an apartment.

don’t b. hasn’t c. haven’t                   d. doesn’t

________name is Susan.

She b. Hers c. Her                          d. She’s

9. It was impossible _________ because of the noise.

slept b. sleeping                 c. sleep                       d. to sleep

I’ll give you this book as soon as I finish _________ it.

to read b. reading c. read                         d. has read

I’m not used ________ up early on Sundays.

for getting b. to getting c. by getting               d. at getting

They often write to each other ________ they live apart.

because b. even though c. because of              d. despite

I’d like to stay at home ________ going out this evening.

rather than b. instead of c. more than               d. better at

Is this your book? ________

No, it isn’t. b. No, isn’t it.             c. No, he isn’t.           d. No, there isn’t.



_____ he finished his homework, he played his guitar and sang.

Although b. After c.So that                     d. Unless

This room is ______ to study. Please switch on the lights.

enough dark b. dark enough c.too dark enough     d. too dark

Do you like classical music? ______

Yes, I likes. b. Yes, I like.             c. Yes, I does.            d. Yes, I do.

They are going to go ______ vacation together.

on b. with c. to                             d. of

The man ______ car we bought was from Texas.

which b. why c. where                     d. whose

Margaret as well as Jane ________ here since last week.

has been b. was c. were                        d. have been

David came to the meeting but Charles ________.

isn’t b. hasn’t c. didn’t                     d. wasn’t

______ three hundred students in my school.

They are b. It is                       c. There are             d. There is

______ is this blue bag? It’s £9.50.

Where b. How big                 c. How much             d. What

Who are you going to Korea______?

with b. to c. in                             d. at

He ______ a house in the town centre.

got b. have got                 c. has got                    d. is got

We haven’t got______.

some children b. any children          c. a children               d. one children

I think he ________ football now.

is playing b. has played c. plays                       d. played

Sarah is going to ________ to a new house.

be b. move c. meet                        d. fall

Are you free ________ Friday evening?

at b. in                        c. on                            d. from



We have lunch ________ one o’clock.

at b. to                            c. in                             d. on

Please ________ more slowly.
a. spoke b. speak c. speaking                d. to speak

What’s your ________? I’m Korean.

name b. nationality             c. country                  d. home

She’s a very bad student. She is going to ________ the exam.

pass b. fail                          c. win                         d. lose

I am expected ________ the result of last exam.

knowing b. to know c. know                      d. knew

Daisy and John are going to ________ married.

have b. fall c. get                           d. go

We’ve got two________: a son and a daughter.

parents b. people                    c. children                 d. friends

________you do, please don’t go too near the edge of the cliff.

Wherever b. However c. Whatever               d. Whenever

I’d like a ________of coffee, please.

cup b. glass                       c. plate                      d. bottle

How old is your ________? She’s fourteen.

brother b. son                          c. boyfriend               d. sister

It’s very ________ in here. I can’t hear anything.

noisy b. quiet                       c. exciting                 d. clean

Excuse me, waiter. Can you bring me the ________, please?

note b. money                    c. bill                         d. cheque

Many things which we can do now couldn’t ________ years ago.

do b. done c. being done             d. be done

This is the cinema ________we saw the film.

when b. which c. that                         d. where

This is ________ than I thought.

bad b. badder c. worse                      d. worst

You ________ better stay at home so as not to give flu to others.
a. should b. have to c. had                          d. have

Can you tell me the way________?

to the bank b. is the bank c. where is bank        d. of the bank

Do you know what________?

time is it b. time is c. time is now            d. time it is

She ________eating since they arrived.
a. doesn’t finish b. hasn’t finished c. didn’t finish           d. not finish

Simon has lived in this town ________ three years.

since b. from c. after                        d. for

My grandparents ________ trees in the garden at the moment.

is planting b. are planting c. plants                     d. be planting

I’m working ________ to pass my exam.

hardly b. much c. hard                        d. good

They were very strict. They wouldn’t let her daughter ________back home after 10 p.m.
a. come b. coming c. came                       d. to come

We ________ lunch when you telephoned.

was having b. had c. were having           d. are having

If I ________ enough money, I’d buy a new car.

had b. would c. did                          d. shall

I’m not interested ________ sports.

for b. about c. in                             d. to

If I ________ him, I would speak to him, wouldn’t I?

saw b. had seen c. have seen               d. would have seen

I’d really like ________ a new language.

to make b. to do c. to learn                   d. to leave

We ________ to South Africa last year.

a.’ve been                  b. went                       c. go                            d. are going

Don’t forget to ________ the light when you leave the room.

turn up b. turn in c. turn off                   d. turn over

Don’t ________ milk at the supermarket.

forget to buy b. forget buying c. forgetting to buy   d. forget buy

She passed her English exam very ________.

easy b. easier c. good                       d. easily

Please ________ on the door before coming in.

take b. wait c. try                           d. knock

________ you ever visited Ottawa?

Did b. Do c. Were                       d. Have

I can’t stand ________ in hot weather.

to walk b. walking c. walk                        d. to walking

Of the five students, Thomas is ________.

better b. the best c. good                       d. well

Do you ________ a uniform at your school?

carry b. wear c. use                          d. hold

Take your umbrella. It’s raining ________.

heavily b. strong c. hardly                     d. much

________time do you watch TV a day?

How old b. How long        c. How much             d. How many

We are looking ________ going on vacation next week.

for b. after c. through                  d. forward to

Would you like some black coffee? ________.

No, please. b. Yes, I like. c. Yes, please.         d. Yes, I do

Can I ________ your dictionary, please. -Yes, of course. But I’d like it back for the weekend.

lend b. borrow c. give                         d. keep

I wish they wouldn’t ________ so much time with unnecessary meetings.

waste b. lose c. take                         d. put away

You can’t ________ on him at all. He never does what he says.

tolerate b. rely c. collaborate             d. arrange

It’s much too expensive. We can’t possibly ________ it.

pay b. cost c. afford                     d. cope

I think I’m open and friendly- I ________ with most people

get up b. go on a date          c. hate                         d. get along well

The toilet is ________ the first floor.

at b. in                            c. under                      d. on

What would you like to ________? – A chicken rice, please.

drink b. post             c. lend                         d. eat

It is very hot here. ________ your coat.

Take off b. Wear c. Put on                     d. Try on

You ________ a lot of interesting things in your life.

did b. didn’t do c. done                       d. have done

This is ________ film I’ve ever seen.

the more interesting c. more interesting

the interesting d. the most interesting

We are very lucky, there are a lot of parks ________.

where we live b. where live we c. where do we live    d. where did we live

How much fruit juice ________ you ________ a day?

does/ drink b. do/ drink c. do/ drinks              d. does/ drinks

What is she doing? ________.

She listens to music.

She doesn’t listen to music.

She is listening to music.

She listened to music

My son is arguing ________ his sister.

on b. with c. to                             d. of

They say ________ fine for the next few days.

it is being b. it was c. it were                    d. it is going to be

Have you finished reading the book ________ I gave you?

which b. where c. who                         d. whom

Team A didn’t play ________ Team B.

the best as b. as well as c. as good as              d. better as

He was late ________ he ran to the station.

because b. but c. so                            d. although

The weather wasn’t ________ to go for a walk so they decided to stay at home.

too good b. good enough c. so good                  d. such good

It is a very good ________ for you to show everyone what you can do.

attitude b. talent c.  skills                     d. opportunity

They’re playing very well. I think they are going ________ game.

pass b. fail c. win                          d. lose

A: I’m getting married next month.

       B: ________

Possibly b. Congratulations! c. Good luck d. I don’t think so

I ________ down the street when it ________ to rain.

was walking/ began c. walked/ began

was walking/ was beginning d. walked/ was beginning

That’s the most intelligent boy that I ________.

ever have known c. have ever known

have ever knew d. have knew ever

My mother went to the ________ to book a vacation yesterday.

travel agency b. police station c. art gallery              d. train station

I had a great vacation in England ________ I can’t speak English.

but b. so c. because                  d. although

Right now we ________ in a café in the main square.

sits b. are sitting c. is sitting                 d. sat

A ________ person argues a lot and can be violent.

stylist b. careful                   c. serious                   d. aggressive

Would you like me to call a taxi ________ you?

for b. to c. with                        d. by

My children and I like going to the ________ to see famous pictures.

travel agency b. police station c. art gallery              d. train station





Read the passage and choose the best answer (A, B, C or D)

With increasing development and use of computer technology, there is a new disease to worry about. Computer ‘viruses’, programs designed to sabotage computers, are infecting computers in corporations, homes and universities. These viruses spread exponentially, much like biological contagion, and then disrupt the affected systems. The virus secretly attaches itself to other programs and can then delete or alter files. The damage is generally activated by using the computer’s clock. Then, any program that is executed may be exposed to the virus, including programs spread through telephone connections. Because of the increasing incidents of virus infiltration, businesses and agencies are becoming wary of sharing software. Security policies need to be increased as immunity programs are being developed. 

Which of the following is the best title of this passage?

Be Aware                                              

Stop the Clock

Deleting Files                                    

Sharing Software

The people most interested in reading this passage probably would be ________.  A. medical personnel                                          

computer users

government workers

health researchers

It is inferred that a company can best protect itself from the virus by ________.

keeping clean

spreading programs by telephone

setting the clock correctly

not using shared software

The virus is ________.

a microbe

an insect

a disk

a program

If the virus infects a computer, the result would probably be ________.

lost information

a broken computer

sick personnel

dead telephones

 Read the passage and choose the best answer (A, B, C or D)

The Game of Football

Football is one of the world’s most popular sports. People have played the game for hundreds of years, and almost every country has a national football team. A football match consists of two teams, with 11 players on each side. Each team is on one half of the pitch at the start of the game. When the referee blows his whistle, the game begins.

The object of the game is to score goals against the other team. A goal is scored by putting the ball in the other team’s net, either with your foot or head. Each football match lasts for 90 minutes. There is a half-time break after 45 minutes which lasts for about 15 minutes.

The team that has scored the most goals by the end of the match is the winner. If no team has scored a goal, the match is called a draw. The goalkeeper is the person who stands between the goalposts and tries to stop people scoring goals. He is the only player who can touch the ball with his hands. The ball is not allowed to go outside the lines of the pitch. If it does, the game stops for a short while.

A football match starts when ________.

  1. both teams are on the pitch.
  2. the referee blows his whistle.
  3. each team is on one half of the pitch.
  4. one team scores a goal against the other team.

How long does a football game last?

  1. A quarter of an hour.
  2. Three quarters of an hour.
  3. One hour.
  4. One and a half hours.

A match is called a draw if ________.

  1. both teams score lots of goals.
  2. no goals have been scored.
  3. one team scores more goals than the other.
  4. all the players score goals.

What is the goalkeeper’s job?

  1. He must stand between the goalposts.
  2. He must try to score goals with his hand.
  3. He must try to stop the ball going into the net.
  4. He must not go outside the goalposts.

The goalkeeper is the only person who ________.

  1. is able to score goals.
  2. can stop the game for a while.
  3. can touch the ball with his hands.
  4. is allowed to go outside the lines.

Read the passage and choose the best answer (A, B, C or D)

There are books with fairy tales in many countries. Most fairy tales begin with “Once upon a time” and end with “They lived happily ever after”, so we will begin in the same way.

Once upon a time, there was a girl called Cinderella who did all the work in the kitchen while her lazy sisters did nothing.

One night her sisters went to the ball at the palace. Cinderella was left at home, very sad. After a time her fairy godmother appeared and told Cinderella that she could go to the ball – but to return home by midnight.

So she went to the ball in a beautiful dress and a wonderful coach. She danced with the prince but at midnight she ran back home, leaving one of her shoes on the dance floor. The prince wanted to see her again and went to every house in the capital until he found that the shoe was the right size for Cinderella. She and the prince were married and lived happily ever after.  

We can find books with fairy tales in ________.

  1. many countries
  2. our country
  3. few countries
  4. all countries except ours

Who worked the hardest at home?

  1. Cinderella’s sisters.
  2. Cinderella’s mother.
  3. Cinderella herself.
  4. Cinderella’s godmother.

Circle the correct statement.

  1. Her sisters did all the work in the kitchen.
  2. Cinderella lived happily at the end of the story.
  3. One of her sisters wore a beautiful dress and a wonderful coach.
  4. The fairy godmother left one of her shoes on the dance floor.

Cinderella was very sad because ________.

  1. the prince invited her sisters to the ball.
  2. her lazy sisters did nothing.
  3. her sisters went to the ball and left her at home.
  4. she did all the work in the kitchen.

At the end of the story ________.

  1. The prince invited Cinderella to the board.
  2. Cinderella’s fairy godmother came to comfort her.
  3. One of Cinderella’s sisters was married to the prince.
  4. Cinderella and the prince were married.

Read the passage and choose the best answer (A, B, C or D)

Australia is a big country, but nearly all Australians live in towns near the sea. On hot summer days you can see thousands of people at the beach. Many beaches have waves that are very high. These large waves are known as surf and the people who ride them are called surfers. Surfing is a skill and need learning. Don’t expect to be able to surf properly the first time you try. However by practicing a few times you will learn how to do it.

Surfing is not a new sport. Perhaps its origins need explaining. It started hundreds of years ago in Hawaii. Men swam out to the sea to catch fish and found they could come back to land very quickly by riding the waves. These first suffers did not use a board. They were “body surfers”. Many of people still do this type of surfing today. After a while people started to use board and rode the waves by lying, kneeling or standing on them. These first surfboards were made of wood and the water made them rot after a while. Today surfboards are made of plastic or fiberglass instead.

Surf is ________.

  1. waves that are on the high sea
  2. waves breaking on the trip
  3. high waves breaking on the sea-shore
  4. high and small waves

You can learn how to do surfing ________.

  1. at the first time you try
  2. only by watching other people do it
  3. by practicing it several times
  4. by riding the waves on your body

Surfing started ________.

  1. five decades ago in Hawaii
  2. long ago in Australia
  3. hundreds of years ago in Australia
  4. in Hawaii

Men of long ago did surfing by ________.

  1. using their body
  2. using a board
  3. using fishing boats
  4. riding the waves on water-skis

Nowadays, surfboards are usually made of ________.

  1. plastic
  2. wood
  3. glass
  4. iron

Read the passage and choose the best answer (A, B, C or D)


If you are like a lot of other North Americans, you like to start your day with a cup of coffee. Coffee contains a substance called caffeine. In humans caffeine is a stimulant. It makes you feel more awake and alert. Many people start their day with a cup of coffee because of the stimulant effects. In fact, about 90% of North Americans drink coffee.

Coffee is the third most popular drink in the world. Only tea and water are more popular than coffee. Coffee beans are actually the seeds of coffee cherries that grow on coffee plants. The beans are green when they are picked. Most of the coffee that is sold in coffee shops and grocery stores is brown. It is brown because the beans have been roasted at high temperatures. The roasting gives the beans their different flavours. Some coffees are darker and stronger tasting than other coffees. You can buy green coffee beans from some stores if you want to roast your own beans.

In North America, a latte is coffee that has steamed milk added to it. A cafe mocha is coffee with steamed milk and some chocolate added to it. Sometimes whipped cream is put on the top of a cafe mocha. Coffees with different flavours added to them are very popular.

What is the substance contained in coffee called?





How many percent of North American drink coffee?





What is more popular than coffee?



tea and water

None of them

When coffee beans are picked, what color are they?





A café mocha is coffee with ________ milk and ________ added to it.

steamed / sugar

roast / chocolate

roast / sugar

steamed / chocolate

Read the passage and choose the best answer (A, B, C or D)

On the second Sunday in May, American children try to do something special for their mothers. It is one day out of the year when children, young and old, try to show how much they love their mothers. England was one of the first countries to have Mother’s Day. English people call it “Mothering Sunday”. In the United States, Mother’s Day became a holiday in 1916. An American girl – Anna Jarvis – wanted to do something special for her mother. Her mother – Mrs. Jarvis was a wonderful mother. She was the source of love and strength for the whole family. Sadly she died on May 5, 1905. After her death, Anna wrote a letter to the government to ask for a day on which all the mothers in the country were honored. The government agreed and decided to choose the second Sunday in May to be Mother’s Day. Nowadays, Mother’s Day is popular in many countries around the world.

When is Mother’s Day?

On the third Sunday in May

On the first Sunday in May

On the second Sunday in May

On the fourth Sunday in May

What don’t children do on Mother’s Day?

do something special for their mothers

show their love to their mothers

make their mothers happy

make their mothers sad

Why did Anna Jarvis’s mother die?

Because she was the source of love for the whole family.

Because she was ill.

Because she was the strength for the whole family.

The passage doesn’t mention.

How did Anna Jarvis feel after her mother’s death?





What did Anna Jarvis do after her mother’s death?

She left home.

She went away.

She wrote a letter to the government to ask for a day to honor mothers.

She wrote a letter to the government to ask for help

III. Choose the correct sentence from the given words.

your / father / is / working / in / right now /?/ Thailand /.

Right now is your working in Thailand?

 B.Your father is working in Thailand father right now?

Is father working in your Thailand right now?

Is your father working in Thailand right now?

you / do / problems / have / with / any / neighbors / your /?

Do you have problems with your any neighbors?

Do you have any neighbors with your problems?

Do you have any problems with neighbors your?

Do you have any problems with your neighbors?

’m / I / visit / my / going / to / uncle / next month /.

I’m going to visit my uncle next month.

I’m going visit to my uncle next month.

I’m visit to going my uncle next month.

I’m visit my uncle to going next month.

goes / movies / usually / with / to / friends / she / on / the / Sunday / her /.

She usually goes to her friends with Sunday on the movies.

She usually goes to the movies with her friends on Sunday.

Her usually goes to with she friends the movies on Sunday.

She usually goes on the movies to her friends with Sunday.

vacation / are / to / we / go / month / on / going / next /.

We are on going to go vacation next month.

We are going to go vacation on next month.

We are going to go on vacation next month.

We are to going go on next month vacation.

much / on / money / do / clothes / you / how / spend / ?

How much clothes do you spend on money?

How much money on do you spend clothes?

How much do you spend clothes on money?

How much money do you spend on clothes?

TV / My / at / usually / neighbors / night / watch / late /.

Neighbors usually watch late my TV at night.

My neighbors late usually watch TV at night

My neighbors usually watch TV late at night.

My neighbors watch usually TV late at night.

have / going / with / her / weekend / she’s / to / friends / this / dinner /.

She’s going to have dinner with her friends this weekend.

She’s going to have friends with her dinner this weekend.

She’s have going to her friends with dinner this weekend.

She’s going to with dinner have her friends this weekend.

He/ is/ the / airport / in / waiting /San Fransisco / for / at / Sarah / to / arrive /.

He is at in San Fransisco the airport waiting Sarah to arrive for.

He is at the airport in San Fransisco waiting for Sarah to arrive.

He is at the airport waiting in San Fransisco for Sarah to arrive.

He at the airport is in San Fransisco for waiting Sarah to arrive.

class / who / oldest / the / person / the / in / is /?

Who is the oldest person in the class?

Who the oldest person in the class is?

Who is the person oldest in the class?

Who the oldest person is in the class?

much / shoes / expensive / more / are / your / bought / than /shoes / the / I /.

Your shoes are the more expensive than shoes I bought much

Your shoes are much more expensive than the shoes I bought.

Your shoes are more expensive than the shoes I bought much.

Your shoes are the much more expensive than shoes I bought.

you / have / finished / homework / yet / your / ?

Have you yet finished your homework?

You have finished your homework yet?

Have you your finished homework yet?

Have you finished your homework yet?

my / but / you / must / can / carefully / you / car / drive / use /.

You can use my car, but you must drive carefully.

You must drive carefully, but you can use my car.

You must drive my car, but you can use carefully.

But you can use carefully, you must drive my car.

coffee / he / how many / drink / cups / does / of / ?

How many does he drink cups of coffee?

How many cups of coffee does he drink?

How many coffee does he drink of cups?

How many coffee of cups does he drink?

football /our / at / often /students /weekend /the / play /.

Students often play our football at the weekend.

Our students play often football at the weekend.

Our students often play football at the weekend.

Students play often our football at the weekend.

forward / from / am / you / to / I / looking / hearing / .

I am looking forward to hearing from you.

I am looking to forward hearing from you.

I am hearing from you looking forward to.

I am hearing forward to looking from you.

water / how much / a / you / do / to / need / drink / really / day / ?

How much really water do you need to drink a day?

How much water really do you need to drink a day?

How much do you really need water to drink a day?

How much water do you really need to drink a day?

brother / now / My / staying / right / us/ is / with /.

My brother is staying right with us now.

My brother is staying right now with us.

My brother is right now staying with us.

My brother is staying with us right now.

went / morning/ the / we/ yesterday / to/ castle / see /.

We went to see the castle morning yesterday.

We went the castle to see yesterday morning.

We went yesterday morning to see the castle.

We went to see the castle yesterday morning.

neighbors / good / we / with / a / our / have / relationship /.

We have a relationship with good our neighbors.

We have a good relationship with our neighbors.

Our neighbors have a good relationship with we.

Our neighbors with we have a good relationship.


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