Confide đi với giới từ gì? Confide in nghĩa là gì? chắc chắn là câu hỏi chung của rất nhiều người. Để hiểu hơn về ý nghĩa, ngữ pháp cũng như cách sử dụng “Confide” trong Tiếng Anh như thế nào, hãy cùng tìm hiểu chi tiết ngay trong bài viết dưới đây.

Nội dung chính:
1. Confide là gì?
Giải nghĩa
Trong Tiếng Anh, “Confide” đóng vai trò là động từ
Cách đọc: /kənˈfaɪd/
Ngoại Động Từ
Nói riêng
Giải bày tâm sự
Phó thác, giao phó
to tell something secret or personal to someone who you trust not to tell anyone else:
Ví dụ:
“My husband doesn’t know yet, but I’m going to leave him,” she confided.
Nội Động Từ
Tin cậy
2. Confide đi với giới từ gì?
“Confide” được sử dụng rất phổ biến trong khi nói và viết. Vậy sau Confide là giới từ gì?
1. to tell someone you trust about personal things that you do not want other people to know
confide to somebody that
He confided to his friends that he didn’t have much hope for his marriage.
2. formal to give something you value to someone you trust so they look after it for you
confide something to somebody
He confided his money to his brother’s safekeeping.
Sien confided in him for once, and the scheme to start another quarrel backfired.
3. Confide in nghĩa là gì?
-confide in (từ khác: trust) tin tưởng ai
confide in: tin tưởng ai
– to tell personal and private things to (someone): kể những điều cá nhân và riêng tư với (ai đó)
She often confides in me. He had no one to confide in.
4. Một số từ liên quan với Confide
Từ đồng nghĩa
admit , bend an ear , breathe , buzz * , confess , crack to , disclose , hint , impart , insinuate , intimate , lay it on , lay the gaff , let in on , reveal , spill to , suggest , tell , unload on , whisper , bestow , charge , commend , commit , consign , delegate , hand over , present , relegate , trust , give , turn over , believe , entrust
Từ trái nghĩa
conceal , hide , secrete , suppress , keep
5. Mức độ phổ biến của giới từ theo sau confide
In 69% of cases confide in is used
Finally, she confided in her mother.
Some of us can confide in our parents.
He secretly confided in her about the office encounter.
She feels the bashfulness of being alone together with a man and of confiding in him.
Scott was a short-tempered, irrational and moody man who rarely confided in colleagues.
Your partner, should be the one you confide in first and share details of your life with.
Bespectacled and easy going, she confided in a friend recently that nothing prepared her for her current travails.
Now, Just like this poor girl, she confided in a co-worker about the encounter not realizing she had experienced an assault.
I can not imagine why my partner chose to confide in a stranger about her past, and make a point about me not knowing about it.
However, according to heat magazine, an ‘ insider ‘ revealed that Hazman confided in dad Des about his feelings for the 20-year-old model.
In 25% of cases confide to is used
In October, I confided to another co-worker (let’s call her Jill) my feelings.
He confided to the community that he had begun to doubt his own capabilities as a teacher.
In the present state of the country such an officer exercises a power more tremendous than that confided to any other.
In addition, she may have confided to a close friend, and this other man is misrepresenting how he heard about it – to be mean.
A fellow classmate confided to her the same dream of blue eyes, which, even as a 12-year-old, struck Morrison as grotesquely self-loathing.
Ergonomic thinking combined with materials that are no longer confided to a round shape have made comfort on the bike much better than ever before.
On one occasion, couple of Israeli Arabs confided to me that they prefer to live under Israeli rule rather than to go back under Palestinian or Arab rule.
Section 12 In the anxiety of my troubled mind I confided to my dearest friend what I had done in my boyhood one day, nay, in one hour, because I was not yet strong.
It was significant that, while he had confided to him, on the previous day, the secret of his first meeting with her, he was now averse from even mentioning her name.
We were with a group of people Ken knew from the past, and out of earshot, he was given not so glowing references by them, confiding to me that once he had stolen all their coke.
In 2% of cases confide about is used
He confided about this to another bhikkhu.
A loan from her brother — in whom she confided about Green’s behaviour — allowed her to buy a caravan in which she established herself and her children while she awaited her divorce.
In 2% of cases confide with is used
In 1% of cases confide on is used
Famously Kermit has confided on air that ‘ as a tadpole in the Swamp, I had 3,265 brothers and sisters! ‘ For him finding his father has always been an impossible dream.