Những từ láy trong tiếng Anh – Học tiếng Anh cực dễ

Những từ láy trong tiếng Anh. Hôm nay chúng ta sẽ được học thêm một số từ vui nhộn trong tiếng Anh: reduplication – từ láy. Reduplication đề cập đến các từ được hình thành thông qua sự lặp lại của âm thanh. Ví dụ bao gồm okey-dokey, film-flam và pitter-pattern. Tiếng Anh luôn tràn ngập những bài học vui nhộn này. Nhiều từ là từ dành cho em bé như: tum-tumpee-peeboo-boo. Một số là thuật ngữ tiếng lóng gần đây: bling-bling, hip hop, cray-cray. Ngolongnd xin giới thiệu đến các bạn Những từ láy dễ nhớ trong tiếng Anh.

Những từ láy trong tiếng Anh
Những từ láy trong tiếng Anh

shipshape (a) /ˌʃɪpˈʃeɪp/: in good order (gọn gàng, tươm tất)
Ex: I like to see everything neat and tidy, everything in its place. I like to keep everything shipshape.

mishmash (n)/ˈmɪʃmæʃ/:a confused mixture of different kinds of things, styles, etc. (mớ hỗn độn)
Ex:The designs were a mishmash of patterns and colors.

rat race (n): fiercely competitive struggle, especially to keep one’s position in work or life (cuộc tranh giành quyết liệt)

Ex: The novel is about a couple who get out of therat raceand buy a farm in Vermont.

chit-chat(n) (cuộc tán gẫu, nói chuyện phiếm)
Ex: We spent the afternoon in idlechit-chat

wishy-washy /ˈwɪʃi ˌwɑʃi/(a):not bright in color (nhạt màu, không rõ)

brickbat /ˈbrɪkbæt/(n):an insulting remark made in public (lời chỉ trích nặng nề, công khai)
Ex:The president has received manybrickbatsin the press recently.

zigzag /ˈzɪɡzæɡ/(n) (đường dích dắc)
Ex: azigzagline/path/pattern

flip-flop (n) (dép Nhật, dép lào)
Ex: a pair offlip-flops

sing-song (n):a way of speaking in which a person’s voice keeps rising and falling (giọng điệu trầm bổng như đang hát)
Ex:She spoke to the child in her soft Irishsingsong. (Cô ấy nói chuyện với đứa trẻ bằng giọng nói trầm bổng của người Ai-len).

sob story (informal, dissaproving):a story that someone tells you just to make you feel sorry for them, especially one that does not have that effect or is not true

(câu chuyện khiến bạn đau lòng nhưng không thật)

pitter-patter (n,adv)/ˈpɪt̮ər ˌpæt̮ər/: (tiếng lộp độp)

Ex: I could hear thepitter-patterof the rain on the window panes.

tittle-tattle (n)/ˈtɪtl tætl/: silly or trivial talk, gossip (chuyện phiếm)
Ex: The story was nothing more than idletittle-tattle.

shilly-shally (v)/ˈʃɪli ˌʃæli/:to take a long time to do something, especially to make a decision (lần lửa mãi,mất nhiềuthời gian để ra quyết định)
Ex: Stopshilly-shallyingand make up your mind.

topsy-turvy (a)/ˌtɑpsi ˈtərvi/:in a state of great confusion (trong tình trạng cực kỳ hỗn loạn)
Ex: Everything’stopsy-turvyin my life at the moment.

easy-peasy (a) very easy

Chop-chop – (Adverb): With rapid movements; same as apace, quickly, rapidly, speedily
(Interjection): Exclamation to tell someone to be quicker. Same as c’mon, come on, get a move on, hurry up; quickly: used to indicate, often in a bossy or arrogant way, that somebody should hurry or do something quickly or right away.

Win-win – (Adjective): describing a situation or outcome that benefits two parties, or that has two possible outcomes that are both good; a situation beneficial to all.
For both companies, it is a win-win move.

It’s really a win-win situation.

No-no – (Noun): something not allowed: something that is not allowed or is disapproved of; something that cannot be done or would be unacceptable to do.
Going out oat this time is a no-no; my father won’t approve of it.

Boo-boo – (Noun): An embarrassing mistake or tactless remark; Same as bloomer, blunder, boob, botch, bungle, foul-up, goof, pratfall, error, fault, mistake, faux pas, fluff, fumble, gaffe, gaucherie, howler, misstep, muff, slip, trip, trip-up. It also means a slight damage to somebody’s body: a cut, injury, or sore place on the body.

Chin-chin – Friendly remark said before starting to drink an alcoholic beverage. Same as bottoms up, cheers, skoal, skol. It also means an informal farewell remark. 

Pee-pee – (Verb): Eliminate urine
Again, the cat had pee-peed on the expensive rug.

It is synonymous with: make, make water, micturate, pass water, pee, piddle, relieve oneself, spend a penny, take a leak, urinate, wee, wee-wee, widdle, egest, eliminate, excrete, pass, etc.

Wee-wee – (Noun): act of urinating: an act or instance of urinating. Same as urine (informal or baby talk). See ‘Pee=pee’.
It is characteristic of pupils in the crèche to want to wee-wee simultaneously.

Poo-poo – (Noun): excrement. Same as doo-doo, poo. (childish)
‘Don’t step on poo-poo!’ The mother screamed at the little boy.

Choo-choo – Noun: railroad train or locomotive; a child’s word for locomotive.

Pooh-pooh – (Verb): express contempt about, express, give tongue to, utter, verbalise, verbalize; refuse with contempt.

She pooh-poohed his advances.

To disdain, freeze off, reject, scorn, spurn, turn down, decline, refuse, rebuff, repel, snub; show/express scorn for something: to dismiss.

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