Release đi với giới từ gì? Release into là gì? Để hiểu hơn về ý nghĩa, ngữ pháp cũng như cách sử dụng “Release” trong Tiếng Anh như thế nào, hãy cùng tìm hiểu chi tiết ngay trong bài viết dưới đây.

Nội dung chính:
Release là gì?
release /ri’li:s/
- danh từ
- sự giải thoát, sự thoát khỏi (điều lo lắng, sầu muộn, bệnh tật…)
- sự thả, sự phóng thích
- a release of war prisoners: sự phóng thích tù binh
- sự phát hành (cuốn sách, bản tin); sự đưa ra bàn (một loại ô tô mới…)
- giấy biên lai, giấy biên nhận
- (pháp lý) sự nhượng lại; giấy nhượng lại
- (vật lý) sự tách ra, sự nhả ra, sự giải phóng
- energy release: sự giải phóng năng lượng
- (kỹ thuật) cái ngắt điện
- (kỹ thuật) sự cắt, sự tháo ra
- (quân sự) sự ném, sự thả, sự cắt (bom); sự mở (dù)
- sự giải ngũ, sự phục viên
- (hoá học) sự bay ra, sự thoát ra (hơi)
- ngoại động từ
- làm nhẹ, làm bớt, làm thoát khỏi (đau đớn, sầu muộn, bệnh tật…)
- tha, thả, phóng thích
- to release a prisoner: tha một người tù
- miễn, tha (nợ…), giải thoát
- to release a debt: miễn cho một món nợ
- to release someone from his promise: giải ước cho ai
- phát hành (cuốn phim, bản tin…); đăng (tin); đưa ra bán (một loại ô tô mới…)
- to release a new film: phát hành một cuốn phim mới
- (pháp lý) nhường, nhượng
- (vật lý) cắt dòng
- (kỹ thuật) nhả khớp, tháo ra, tách ra, cắt mạch
- to release the brake: nhả phanh
- (quân sự) ném, thả, cắt (bom); mở (dù)
- (quân sự) cho giải ngũ, cho phục viên
- (hoá học) làm bay ra, làm thoát ra (hơi)
Release đi với giới từ gì?
release of
The accident caused the release of gasoline into the road.
Dịch nghĩa: Vụ tai nạn là nguyên nhân của sự đổ xăng ra đường.
She noticed a release of tension when he left the room.
Dịch nghĩa: Cô ấy đã cảnh báo về sự trút giận khi anh ta rời khỏi phòng.
release from
his release from hospital
She was released from prison after serving three months of a five-month sentence.
Dịch nghĩa: Cô ấy mới được thả tự do sau khi thụ 3 tháng giam trong 5 tháng.
be released by
The new edition of the song will be released by the musician.
Release into là gì?
to allow a substance to flow out from somewhere: cho phép một chất chảy ra/giải phóng từ một nơi nào đó:
Coal power stations release sulphur dioxide into the atmosphere. Các nhà máy điện than thải ra khí lưu huỳnh đioxit.
Hormones are released from glands into the bloodstream. Hormone được giải phóng từ các tuyến vào máu.
The accident caused the release of radioactivity into the atmosphere. Vụ tai nạn khiến phóng xạ được giải phóng vào bầu khí quyển.
Độ phổ biến của giới từ sau Release
In 26% of cases release in is used
It is released in response to stress.
Update: It has been released in India.
Good that it’s being released in 2013.
Her first solo effort Hottie Girls was produced by Kevin Blake and released in 2004.
He is sentenced to more than three years in federal prison and released in late 1999.
This vast expanse of virtual real estate will begin to be released in 2013 but the journey there is far from over.
Figures from VIDA, a US organisation for women in the literary arts, released in March make for depressing viewing.
The census is now in the process of finalisation, and the relevant information will be released in the near future.
In 18% of cases release on is used
They were soon released on bail.
It will be released on 1 September.
Unapologetic, to be released on Nov.
It was released on May 19, 1995 and followed by Live Free or Die Hard 12 years later.
Of course, we don’t currently know what platform Kingdom Hearts 3 will be released on.
A spokesman said the suspect was released on bail for the first timebetween 1am and 1.
Routine Disclosure — information of interest to the public that is released on a routine basis, such as statistics.
However, the Quarterly Employment Survey released on Tuesday does suggest a gradual lift in construction employment.
A annoucement for a announcement to announce a announcement on facebook for a announcement to be released on twitter.
In 15% of cases release by is used
Another memo released by Al-Sae’ohoon i.
According to estimates released by the U.
According to statistics released by the U.
It is not classified information, but the data is not normally released by the USAF.
The 2011 Census Data is being released by Statistics Canada as it becomes available.
According to numbers released by the NCAA in 2011, graduation rates for hockey were 88.
It is difficult to account for the low sulfate concentrations if arsenic had been released by oxidation of pyrite.
I wonder what consequences anti-bacterial silver released by washing silver-impregnated socks will have downstream.
But where do the Maroons go for news? They don’t know where to turn according to a new poll just released by Gallup.
Al and his musicians participated on approximately one fifth of the recordings released by VeeJay from 1954 to 1959.
In 12% of cases release from is used
Yet will not release from contract.
He is released from prison in 2000.
He was released from the hospital Aug.
Bakker was released from prison in 1994 after serving a total of about five years.
Packouz was released from the Naples Jail Center on Friday afternoon on $500 bond.
In this regard, the ink is warmed and released from the suitable metal compartment.
The two are expected to b released from the Nsawam Medium Prisons, today, after going through the due processes.
When Will The Lion King Come Out Of The Vault? The Lion King was released from Disney’s Vault on October 4, 2011.
Currently, WDI has three, forty foot containers of food waiting to be released from customs in Kingston, Jamaica.
Since July 1, Chennai has realised 2,700 mcft of Krishna water released from Kandaleru reservoir in Andhra Pradesh.
In 5% of cases release to is used
It will NEVER be released to the public.
The 1930 census was released to the public in April 2002.
The materials will then be released to a carefully selected audience.
We’ll have to see if battleground state polls released today have any effect on the EV numbers.
Promote the Web Site A key part of our services start when the project has been released to the public.
You will want to do this if you release to HTML5 anyway due to similar problems transmitting over the net.
Look what Peter said next: 14 You disowned the Holyand Righteous One and asked that a murderer be released to you.
Barrick mentioned the contract in its 2006 annual report, which it released to shareholders and the public on Feb.
But they do contain a certain kind of trapped community energy that might usefully be released to better purposes.
Recently released to the worlds ‘ most prominent DJ ‘s, initial feedback to the song exceeded the teams expectations.
In 4% of cases release into is used
Something was released into the world.
I protect all that you have released into my care.
During that process some sulphuric acid fumes are released into the air.
The life force that God released into man was so powerful that it animated the soil.
In New York State, about 25,000 people are released into their communities every year.
Digestion slows, and fat and glucose are released into the bloodstream to fuel your next move.
As a comet approaches the sun, however, the heat melts the ice and solid grains of dust are released into space.
All bar one of these turtles are then released into the north sea, along with the largest turtle from the aquarium pool.
One such chemical is ethylene, which plants release into the air when they’re wounded to tell nearby plants to be on their guard.
A NEW LIFE BEGINS On May 4, Jafari was released into community detention, sponsored by a retired couple, Graeme and Sue Swinser.
In 3% of cases release at is used
The drum was released at 2:55 p.
The Early Vote results will be released at 7pm.
They also have to work at set hours and can be released at any time.
Created by filmmaker Mathieu Le Lay, the movie will be released at the end of this year.
They already surpassed homin’s album which was released at the beginning of the year in just one month.
He had been arrested twice by the Israeli Forces while he was fishing and released at Erez on the same day.
The length of time this takes, the number of steps required and the kinds of radiation released at each step are well known.
All sites created within a certain time period are put into the same group and they are eventually all released at the same time.
Also being released at the same time are selections from the LCBO’s latest featured brewery, Portland, Maine’s Shipyard Brewing Co.
This was released at a similar time to Fat Cat Fast Twenty, which is a single page app with 28 common words for daily conversations.
In 3% of cases release for is used
Cupid mice were released for the first time.
A discussion paper will be publicly released for comment.
Sonic Colours will be released for Wii and DS on 12 November.
November 2012 Global Economic Monitor GDP growth releases for Q3 have been surprisingly strong so far.
I did port all the Z-Code version 3 games to the TI-99, even those that Infocom did not release for it.
Hollowhead mice were released for the first time, only to reappear during and around Halloween (31 October).
I think they might want him to win — as EM says above, YNWA in the final and released for charity is a great way out.
Papo &; Yo, released for PlayStation 3 in August, is an autobiographical game about growing up with an alcoholic father.
More new releases from Lonely Planet in 2013 We can go on and on about the new travel guides that Lonely Planet will release for 2013.
In 1971, he was released for service with an ILO team, led by Professor Dudley Seers, to report on the unemployment problem in Sri Lanka.
In 2% of cases release after is used
He was released after eight months of captivity and no longer lives in Russia.
However, they are immediately released after bribing police,? shopkeepers said.
None of her indies ever made a profit, not even the ones released after Twilight.
This effectively made Goldeneye the first Bond film to be released after the Cold War.
He was arrested in August 1794 but released after a couple of weeks due to lack of evidence.
I would get admitted to the hospital, sit around for several hours before being released after no change.
Awlaki had just been released after spending 16 months in jail and had emerged even more bitter with the Americans.
However there was a reconciliation where Kishore sang for him in Toofan (1989, this was released after Kishore’s death).
Figures released in 2009 show that since 1997, 65 prisoners who were released after serving?? life for murder? were convicted of a further crime.
The dispute continued Larkin was sentenced to seven months ‘ imprisonment for ‘ incitement ‘ on 28 October 1913, but was released after two weeks.
In 2% of cases release under is used
In India the book releases under high security at 2.
Releasing under High Times is another milestone for me.
They’re released under a similarly bewildering array of monikers.
GNU software GNU software is software that is released under the auspices of the GNU Project.
Discussion or promotion of DotNetNuke product releases under a different brand name are strictly prohibited.
Download The program is released under GNU General Public License Please follow this link to download the package.
Though never convicted, Babu remained in prison in Tanzania until 1978, when he was released under international pressure.
He was subsequently released under pressure from another dubious political character, ZAB when the Ayub Khan, in his twilight days, was losing his grips on the government.
In 2% of cases release as is used
The singer is also looking at releasing as a mixtape.
The acoustic set was released as an album in late 1994.
Released as the second song from the studio installment, it peaked at No.
Carbon dioxide is dissolved in magma at great depths and is released as the magma rises to the surface.
I recall one of them had a Mary Wells tune that had already been released as an album cut on Motown 605.
He was subsequently sentenced to 14 years for the shooting, but was released as part of a political amnesty in 1946.
It was the site of one of Coltrane’s last live performances before he died, posthumously released as The Olatunji Concert: The Last Live Recording.
Released as an Xbox Live Indie Game on the Xbox 360 and sold for a mere 80 Microsoft Points ($1 ), it quickly became a big hit among cost-conscious 360 gamers.
Her new album, codenamed Heapsongs, due for release May 2013, will be released as a traditional CD, as a digital download version, but there will also will also be a streamliner version.
In 1% of cases release during is used
There’s wrinkle treatment are commonly released during posting.
It does NOT increase the amount of energy released during the reaction.
The conference statement will be released during the first week of COP 17.
This tool was released during the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD, or Rio+20).
After the submissions are read, a children’s action plan will be developed and released during 2012.
Despite the book being released during the throes of the Great Depression, it was a near immediate success.
The first, released during January, did very well as that month is usually for leftovers and films to be forgotten.
Last week, Nawshaad was released during a hearing at the Polonnaruwa Magistrate courts, and Musdeen is out on bail.
Only international flights will be exempt from paying for their carbon releases during the year-long suspension period.
The first few months were the worst, as the chemicals released during the cutting of stones peeled the skin right off my hands.
In 1% of cases release over is used
It released over 530 cubit kilometers of magma.
BioShock Infinite has come back on the radar after a new trailer was released over the weekend.
Five separate polls released over the weekend showed that the pro-bailout New Democracy party held a small lead of approximately 0.
This year has seen an unusually large amount of awesome racing games released over the past few month on the PS3, including F1 2012, Need For Speed: Most Wanted and F1 Race Stars.
Or, how about a TV program that focuses on the substance, such as this article calls for? Crikey TV? There could be a program on Crikey TV released over the internet at the same time once a week.
In 1% of cases release about is used
INFORMATION AND PRESS RELEASES The Website may contain information and press releases about the Serena Group of Hotels.
In 1% of cases release with is used
Hopefully I will follow my singles release with an EP with about 6-8 songs.
Yaw Akrasi Sarpong that Nii was his boy so he should be released with immediate effect.
We look forward to seeing new tablets released with Jelly Bean (like the P10 previously mentioned).
The iPad was released with three capacity options for storage: 16, 32, or 64 GB of internal flash memory.
The most glaring stats, released with the latest Florida Workforce Scorecard, focused on education and gross domestic product.
Absolutely nobody actually needs an i-phone, much less the latest models as and when they are released with minor improvements.
The group followed that release with the two-disc In Your Honor (2005 ), which was split between acoustic songs and harder-rocking material.
But then another greenhouse gas, methane, currently trapped in the Arctic permafrost, could be released with warming and make matters worse.
Who were they? And how did you get to release with them? Laura: Over to you, Jules! Julian: Shady Lane was a label I had started a couple of years before SI with Neil Halstead.
In 1% of cases release within is used
They get disappointed when funds are not released within the specified period.
Some 20,000 to 60,000 predators would be released within the next three months.
The majority of those arrested were released within one or two days, often on payment of a bribe.
App Monthly is one monthly digital magazine, it collects all the apps released within the recent month.
Many of these had no sympathy for separatism before their arrest (and around half were released within a week).
The Assassin’s Creed III Season Pass releases within six months after the game launch at a 25% savings over the individual pack prices.
The poll was released within days of Sir Howard Davies, unveiling his Commission which will report just before the next election on how to provide additional airport capacity.
In 1% of cases release without is used
Gardai have released without charge a man.
He was held at the local police station for an hour before being released without charge.
And there the information stays, even if you are released without charge after a night in the cells.
What kind of scholarship is this or a paid training program? Money being released without merits and verifications.
Currently, the data is held indefinitely regardless of whether an arrested person is convicted, tried and found not guilty or released without charge.
Vithyatharan’s close contacts with LTTE theoretician Anton Balasingham and other key figures in led to his arrest in February 2009, though he was later released without any charges.