Suffer đi với giới từ gì? Suffer from sth nghĩa là gì? Để hiểu hơn về ý nghĩa, ngữ pháp cũng như cách sử dụng “Suffer” trong Tiếng Anh như thế nào, hãy cùng tìm hiểu chi tiết ngay trong bài viết dưới đây.

Nội dung chính:
Suffer là gì?
suffer /’sʌfə/
- ngoại động từ
- chịu, bị
- to suffer a defeat: bị thua
- to suffer a pain: bị đau đớn
- cho phép; dung thứ, chịu đựng
- I suffer them to come: tôi cho phép họ đến
- how can you suffer his insolence?: làm thế nào mà anh có thể chịu đựng được sự láo xược của nó?
- chịu, bị
- nội động từ
- đau, đau đớn, đau khổ
- to suffer from neuralgia: đau dây thần kinh
- chịu thiệt hại, chịu tổn thất
- the enemy suffered severely: quân địch bị thiệt hại nặng nề
- trade is suffering from the war: sự buôn bán bị trì trệ vì chiến tranh
- bị xử tử
- đau, đau đớn, đau khổ
Suffer đi với giới từ gì?
Suffer for
I played tennis yesterday and I know I shall suffer for it today.
Suffer from
- She suffers from asthma.
- He had been suffering from being allergic. This makes him very careful with the ingredients in his food as he is allergic to many different foods.
Anh ấy đã phải vượt qua việc bị dị ứng. Việc này khiến cho anh ấy trở nên rất cẩn trọng với những thành phần trong những món ăn của anh ấy vì anh ấy bị dị ứng rất nhiều loại thức ăn khác nhau. - I had to suffer from the consequences of group work and I had to do everything on my own. It was an experience I will never forget and from then on I will never be the leader again in college.
- Tôi đã phải vượt qua hậu quả của việc làm bài nhóm và tôi phải tự làm mọi thứ một mình. Việc đó là trải nghiệm không bao giờ quên và từ đó về sau tôi sẽ không bao giờ làm nhóm trưởng một lần nào nữa khi học đại học.
Suffer with
He suffers terribly with migraines.
PHRASES suffer in silence
They were just expected to suffer in silence.
If you’re not happy with it, you should complain. Don’t just suffer in silence (= without saying anything).
Suffer + obj + verb-ing
I had to suffer her father moaning for half an hour on the phone last night!
Suffer from sth nghĩa là gì?
vượt qua, từ được dùng để chỉ việc trải nghiệm cơn đau vật lý hoặc tinh thần bị tổn thương.
Độ phổ biến của giới từ sau Suffer
In 66% of cases suffer from is used
He suffers from a heart attack.
I suffer from severe major depression.
Egypt suffers from two main problems.
If you suffer from flash-related hangs see Aaron’s blog post for some builds to try.
Ask anyone who suffers from depression and they’ll tell you the mornings are worst.
This is invaluable for those economies suffering from foreign exchange shortages.
Those at the meeting who believed that the Board might fulfil such a role were suffering from touching naivety.
If you suffer from any kind of illness, it’s very important to have somebody who understand you without any words.
In the larger context, African Muslim history suffers from the same neglect that characterizes Africa in general.
If you already are suffering from one of these discomforts, drink some apple cider vinegar in a glass of water.
In 8% of cases suffer in is used
Worker are suffering in Madonna.
Many schools suffer in failure or neglect.
Indeed, some people really suffer in life.
They also suffer in heat, and must never be left in the direct rays of the summer sun.
It was a mother’s impulse to want her child to be safe but I suffered in her absence.
Our thoughts and prayers are with his family and those who have suffered in this attack.
Despite his father’s best efforts, on his tour he encountered suffering in the form of sickness, old age, and death.
Supporters counter that you can’t blame a Realtor for misfortunes suffered in the worst real estate crash in 70 years.
Then why he suffered in jail??? Is SC, CAG, Media, civil society, people are idiots to listen your point of contention.
In 5% of cases suffer for is used
We tax payers will suffer for it.
Suffering for man will never end.
I have been suffering for 7 yrs now.
But when you do right and suffer for it you take it patiently you have God’s approval.
The problem may not be solely caused by poor, but they will indefinitely suffer for it.
Christians who suffered for their faith did so in the presence of crowds of onlookers.
Why should he suffer for ten births? In ten days he can work out the sufferings and consequences of his past Karma.
She suffered for 5 years, we had hope for most of that time and we did all we could to beat this horrible disease.
All animals experience fear, pain, deprivation and suffer for our ‘ pleasure ‘, we need to make these neanderthals evolve.
The act of treachery has befell on us and Eelam Tamils have suffered for what our then leaders did for more than six decades.
In 4% of cases suffer by is used
We suffer by the expectations of others.
Unfortunately, it is a condition suffered by many.
Each step reminded me of the pain suffered by the POWs.
The submarines AE1 and AE2 were the only losses suffered by the RAN during this conflict.
Ship losses and personnel casualties suffered by the RAN during the conflict were substantial.
The socio-economic problems suffered by many Nigerians are created by their fellow-men and women.
I hope that they recognise the hurt suffered by both sides in the past and work for a peaceful future for Ireland.
Let us surrender to the conscience or soul or love or god, else we will have to suffer by the senses (mind and body).
All reflecting an 11th position which is the worst fate suffered by a Brazilian squad since records started in 1993.
In 4% of cases suffer with is used
Happy are those who suffer with Him.
I’ve suffered with panic attacks for a few years now too.
The dilemma this assistance suffers with may be the lack of support.
Right now, I have a family member that is suffering with a horrible allergic reaction.
My aim to raise awarness of Visual Stress and the problems that the children suffer with.
The whole family began to suffer with burning eyes and their throats would become red raw.
JPMorgan Chase’s investment bank has suffered with the rest of Wall Street amid the global credit market freeze.
At those times I did not pray for any relief, but I prayed for strength to suffer with courage, humility, and love.
The roller stimulates lymphatic drainage — ideal for anyone who suffers with puffiness or congestion on the face.
She lived for a number of years in a care home, but passed away on returning to hospital suffering with pneumonia.
In 2% of cases suffer as is used
Millions have suffered as a result.
Support for the Lisa suffered as a result.
Her students had suffered as a consequence.
Someone who doesn’t know good and evil attaches to good and evil and suffers as a result.
Ensure your design does not detract from the content; your ROI will suffer as a consequence.
Accident compensation is also paid to cover financial losses suffered as a result of the accident.
Well I believe that sometimes they are treated very unfairly and that their other children and families suffer as a result.
The vested interests favor the current system since it increases the price of thier homes but everyone suffers as a result.
Arthur Andersen was closed down as a result of much less reputational damage than the BBC has suffered as a result of this.
Why bother? Because firing someone makes them feel bad — and the more the discharged suffers as a result, the worse they feel.
In 2% of cases suffer at is used
I know she suffered at school because of it.
I’d not going to give up on the MUN although it’s really suffering at the moment.
In fact, those who suffered at the hands of their American torturers in Iraq have been urged to sue them.
I suffered at 90 miles thats for sure but that is nothing compared to what children face in hospital day in, day out.
You shoot the breeze, memories of suffering at the back those months ago long forgotten — back at home, back in the group.
The surgery, the writer claims, was necessary due to injuries Tiger Woods suffered at the hands of his wife, Elin Nordegren.
To escape her father, Florentina periodically runs to the woods, sometimes helped by her grandfather, who also suffers at her father’s hands.
McMahon, who had been released from internment in Germany, and who had recovered from his wound suffered at Sedan, was made commander-in-chief.
Within Afghanistan, the Pashtuns are in majority and have suffered the most and are still suffering at the hands of occupation forces and ANSF.
Father Barthelemy Vimont related in 1645 how a Mi’kmaq group in the Nepisiguit region of New Brunswick had much to suffer at the beginning of last Winter.
In 2% of cases suffer through is used
The narrators suffer through the change of times.
More worryingly society overall is suffering through the proliferation of FOBT addiction.
Nor can I overlook the difficulty from the immense amount of suffering through the world.
How many more episodes do we have to suffer through her storyline? Kandi stay hating on Nene.
To those of you from mixed families who have to suffer through Bama trash talk while you try to.
I watched my grandmother suffer through breast cancer and found this whole thing to be in poor taste.
But the thought of exposing my burnt boob to a doctor was more traumatizing than suffering through it.
Do you really want us to suffer through 235 pages of Stark? Isn’t there anyone else you can recommend? PS.
Lash, pointing out that many guests will have already suffered through several dreary ceremonies that year.
He might be too young to remember the defining defeat in 1990 but he has watched and suffered through the rest.
In 1% of cases suffer because is used
I feel for all those suffering because of the condems.
Some of you are feeling it right now and you are suffering because of it.
Of the 10 sites chosen for monitoring, eight suffered because of reclamation activity.
Clubs buy and sell players in a lot of other leagues and they do nt seem to suffer because of it.
Societal development is hampered by the tyranny of tradition, and each new generation suffers because of it.
And thus Indian women did not have to bear the kind of injustices that women in the West had to suffer because of the.
It is an honor to suffer persecution for God and all those who suffer because of there faith in God will be richly rewarded.
He knew that his disciples were suffering because of their lack of realization and sometimes they couldn? t follow the standard.
Ironically, I reckon both Bendtner and Arshavin suffered because of the presence of the man who is now being played as Spain’s nominal centre forward.
Advocates of HFT complain that the tax is heavy handed and that the market would suffer because of the lack of liquidity provided by high frequency trading.
In 1% of cases suffer during is used
Further to this it is important to note the casualties suffered during the war.
Woody type Two woody species in particular have suffered during the last few years.
He wanted to make Germany pay for all of the damage that France had suffered during the four years of fighting.
Belau who died of tuberculosis presumably as a result of hardship suffered during the Second Italo — Abyssinian War, 1935-1936.
But I suffered during the recession myself, so although it’s cost us more to bring the product to market, I really wanted to support the British economy.
The facts The plaintiff, Joey Boudreau, brought an action for personal injuries suffered during an indoor soccer game at a facility operated by HoJO Enterprises Inc.
IT vendors need to partner to be local In spite of its BRIC status, Russia’s economy suffered during the recession and sectors such as retail and manufacturing were hit hard.
In 1% of cases suffer on is used
Your intelligence will NOT suffer on any level, I can promise you that.
While T and H is suffering on unstoppable global million cars recall issue.
That ‘ mean ‘ but developmental move ended many years of pains suffered on that road.
You want to believe you won’t have to suffer on impossible diets and with excessive exercise.
And, while Japan suffered on its own – this debt crisis is now global – at least as far as the USA, Europe and Australasia is concerned.
But the Skoda weighs less than the Noble, of course, so any kind of energy deficiency it may suffer on paper is instantly negated in reality, right? Wrong.
In 1% of cases suffer under is used
Human spaceflight suffers under Obama.
I’d a woman suffering under patriarchy too.
They can suffer under oppression, famine and other natural disasters.
Many web pages containing that vocabulary have suffered under Penguin.
The great man who rid this country from terror had suffered and still suffering under this regime due to her distorted story.
It is shocking to see how quickly many Burmese have forgotten what it feels like to suffer under the boot heel of a brutal regime.
Here at Bread and Water for Africar, our hearts go out to those suffering under the difficult post-drought conditions in Kenya.
Dermot Nesbitt knows that human rights and equality is also a unionist agenda to remove the discrimination we suffered under direct rule.
The people of Awdal State have suffered under the one clan administration of Siiraanyo and will not tolerate to live in oppression any more.
The irony of this article is breathtaking considering that the very people who defend islam would be the first to suffer under this sociopathic belief.