Impressed đi với giới từ gì? Impressed by or with? chắc chắn là câu hỏi chung của rất nhiều người. Để hiểu hơn về ý nghĩa, ngữ pháp cũng như cách sử dụng “Impressed” trong Tiếng Anh như thế nào, hãy cùng tìm hiểu chi tiết ngay trong bài viết dưới đây.

Nội dung chính:
1. Impressed là gì?
Giải nghĩa
Trong Tiếng Anh, “Impressed” đóng vai trò là tính từ
Cách đọc: /ɪmˈpres/
-feeling admiration for someone or something because you think they are particularly good, interesting, etc. cảm thấy ngưỡng mộ ai đó hoặc điều gì đó vì bạn nghĩ họ đặc biệt tốt, thú vị, v.v.
I must admit I am impressed.
Tôi phải thừa nhận rằng tôi rất ấn tượng.
Thêm các ví dụ:
He tried to impress his teachers by using big words in all his essays.
It’s important to impress your seniors if you want to be promoted.
Everyone was impressed by the cleverness of the machine.
Listening to the interview, I was impressed by the subtlety of the questions.
We were impressed by the great richness of detail in her painting.
* danh từ
– tính dễ cảm động, tính dễ cảm kích
– tính dễ bị ảnh hưởng
* tính từ
– dễ cảm động, dễ cảm kích
– dễ bị ảnh hưởng
* danh từ
– ấn tượng
=to make a strong impression on someone+ gây một ấn tượng mạnh mẽ đối với ai
– cảm giác; cảm tưởng
=to be under the impression that…+ có cảm tưởng rằng…
– sự đóng, sự in (dấu, vết)
– dấu, vết, dấu in, vết in, dấu hằn, vết hằn, vết ấn
=the impression of a seal on wax+ vết con dấu đóng trên sáp
– (ngành in) sự in; bản in; số lượng in
– (từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ) thuật nhại các nhân vật nổi tiếng (trên sân khấu…)
* danh từ
– tính dễ xúc cảm, tính nhạy cảm
– tính dễ bị ảnh hưởng
* tính từ
– dễ xúc cảm, nhạy cảm
– dễ bị ảnh hưởng
* danh từ
– tính dễ xúc cảm, tính nhạy cảm
– tính dễ bị ảnh hưởng
* tính từ
– (thuộc) ấn tượng
* danh từ, (nghệ thuật)
– chủ nghĩa ấn tượng
– trường phái ấn tượng
* tính từ
– gây ấn tượng sâu sắc, gây xúc động, gợi cảm
– hùng vĩ, nguy nga, oai vệ, uy nghi
=an impressive scene+ cảnh hùng vĩ
* danh từ
– sự gây ấn tượng sâu sắc, sự gây xúc động, sự gợi cảm
– vẻ hùng vĩ, vẻ nguy nga, vẻ oai vệ, vẻ uy nghi
* danh từ
– (sử học) sự cưỡng bách tòng quân, sự bắt lính
– sự trưng thu, sự sung công (hàng hoá…)
– xem impressible
* phó từ
– hùng vự, nguy nga, gợi cảm
2. Impressed đi với giới từ gì?
“Impressed” được sử dụng rất phổ biến trong khi nói và viết. Vậy sau Impressed là giới từ gì?
Impressed + with
I remember when I was a child being very impressed with how many toys she had.
Impressed + by
Your mother was clearly not impressed by our behaviour in the restaurant.
Impressed sth on/upon sb
to make someone understand or be familiar with the importance or value of something:
Mr Simmons tried to impress on me how much easier my life would be if I were better organized.

3. Impressed đi với các từ gì?
Impressed đi với các trạng từ sau:
deeply, enormously, especially, extremely, greatly, immensely, mightily, much, overwhelmingly, particularly, profoundly, really, terribly, tremendously, very (much)
less than, not overly
I was not overly impressed by the proposals.
fairly, mildly, quite | enough, sufficiently
The prince was impressed enough to commission a portrait from the artist.
genuinely | immediately, instantly | favourably | duly, suitably
He mentioned a few famous acquaintances, and we were suitably impressed.
clearly, obviously
4. Một số từ liên quan với Impressed
-to act upon (a person or a person’s feelings) so as to cause a response
impressed him with the intensity of their musical performance
Synonyms for impressed: affected, impacted, influenced, moved, reached, struck, swayed, told (on), touched
Words Related to impressed: carried away, dazzled, enraptured, enthralled, entranced, ravished, transported
biased (or biassed), colored
inspired, stirred
engaged, interested, involved, penetrated, pierced
afflicted, agitated, bothered, concerned, discomforted, discomposed, disquieted, distressed, disturbed, flustered, harassed, harried, perturbed, pestered, plagued, smote, strained, stressed, tried, troubled, upset, worried, wrung
allured, attracted, bewitched, captivated, charmed, enchanted, fascinated
Near Antonyms for impressed
bored, jaded, palled, tired, wearied
-to produce a vivid impression of
impressed the importance of safe driving habits by displaying photos of horrific crashes
Synonyms for impressed: branded, engraved, etched, imprinted, infixed, ingrained (also engrained)
Words Related to impressed: enrooted, imbued, implanted, inculcated, infused, instilled
fixed, set, stamped
Near Antonyms for impressed: blotted out, erased, expunged, obliterated
-to cause (a person) to give in to pressure
after weeks of nagging, they impressed her into going to the masquerade party
Synonyms for impressed: blackjacked, coerced, compelled, constrained, dragooned, drove, forced, impelled, made, muscled, obligated, obliged, pressed, pressured, sandbagged
Words Related to impressed: browbeat, bulldozed, bullied, cowed, hectored, intimidated
blackmailed, high-pressured, menaced, shamed, terrorized, threatened
badgered, harassed, hounded
Phrases Synonymous with impressed: twisted one’s arm
Near Antonyms for impressed: allowed, let, permitted
argued, convinced, induced, moved, persuaded, prevailed (on or upon), satisfied, talked (into), won (over)
5. Mức độ phổ biến của giới từ theo sau Impressed
In 71% of cases impressed with is used
Very impressed with his service.
I was also impressed with (more.
Very impressed with the service.
I was also very impressed with the accommodation at Gorillas Nest Mountain Lodge.
Arun I am not disappointed with the features and am very impressed with the apps.
The client was very impressed with the band and the function was a great success.
I was so impressed with the 2003 expedition patches that I knew I had to have podcast shirts made in Kathmandu.
I wasn’t very impressed with the results, but then I never had a doll head as a child, so maybe that’s just me.
I was also impressed with Kandurata’s Kithuruwan Vithanage as he responded well behind the stumps replacing me.
I’d also very impressed with the hubby who is willing to spend time and money to take care of his ‘ mistress ‘.
In 25% of cases impressed by is used
I was impressed by his knowledge.
I’d very impressed by your reasoning.
I was very impressed by this airport.
While I was annoyed by the racket, I was very impressed by the sound system itself.
We had a rest stop, and were very impressed by the good toilet and rest facilities.
Godan was very impressed by this learned Tibetan Lama and was converted to Buddhism.
Neil said he has been very impressed by the way the appeal has captured the imagination of Frank Sidebottom fans.
The gods are very impressed by the feat, and reward the few successful carp by turning them into powerful dragons.
I was very impressed by your wrestling and ability to get takedowns in the corners, and the end of rings and cages.
I was very impressed by the two roller skaters who spun each other at amazing speeds on a small 10 ‘ circular stage.
In 2% of cases impressed at is used
I wasn’t very impressed at the offer.
Very impressed at your daughter’s work rate.
I am very impressed at how easy this is to use.
All the best for your next race! I am very impressed at your doing a half marathon uphill.
Exceptional contribution! On a side note, I’d very impressed at how this phone handles ICS.
I’d very impressed at your hard work to compile that post and I agree with your conclusions.
You’ll be very impressed at how quickly it’s above, plus your slowing down methods can stop you from supplying in.
I was pretty impressed at this point, but the guide’s next trick was to have us creep up on a couple of white rhino.
This is an introduction to Putonghua only, but you will be very impressed at how much the children learn and enjoy it.
You’d be very impressed at how much cash you can expect to conserve, which will help you spend away those payday loans.
In 1% of cases impressed about is used
I am not very impressed about coach Ryan.
He is very impressed about all the services and treatment cost.
I’d very impressed about it and don’t really have anything against it.
I am very impressed about that aspect — but of course what is between 4.
I was very impressed about how direct and to the point your information is.
I am very impressed about your numbers and i believe that many people must be.
Friday 24 December I’d actually very impressed about the way you handled his cheating.
Why Study in Norway? What students say: I am very impressed about excellent social services and quality education.
I wasn’t very impressed about being so unwell, but I was sure that with the right focus and determination, I could beat it.
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