Crowded đi với giới từ gì? chắc chắn là câu hỏi chung của rất nhiều người. Để hiểu hơn về ý nghĩa, ngữ pháp cũng như cách sử dụng “Crowded” trong Tiếng Anh như thế nào, hãy cùng tìm hiểu chi tiết ngay trong bài viết dưới đây.

Nội dung chính:
1. Crowded là gì?
Giải nghĩa
Trong Tiếng Anh, “Crowded” đóng vai trò là tính từ
Cách đọc: /ˈkraʊ.dɪd/
-full of people: Đông người:
- It’s a popular and often crowded place. Đó là một địa điểm nổi tiếng và thường đông đúc.
- If a place is crowded, it is full of people: Nếu một nơi đông đúc, thì nơi đó có rất nhiều người.
- By ten o’clock the bar was crowded. Đến mười giờ quán đã đông khách.
Thêm các ví dụ:
- As Christmas gets closer, the shops get more and more crowded.
- As Christmas draws nearer, the shops start to get unbearably crowded.
- Chen gave her a nod of recognition across the crowded room.
- A few kilometres from the crowded beaches of Spain’s Mediterranean coast, many once-thriving villages stand deserted and in ruins.
- Don’t go there in the peak season – it’ll be hot and crowded.
-Đầy, tràn đầy
life crowded with great events
cuộc đời đầy những sự kiện lớn
-(từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ) chật ních
to be crowded for time
không có thì giờ rảnh
2. Crowded đi với giới từ gì?
“Crowded” được sử dụng rất phổ biến trong khi nói và viết. Vậy sau Crowded là giới từ gì?
Crowded + with
The store was crowded with shoppers.
khoảng 28% trường hợp dùng crowded with
The lake was crowded with canoes.
Crowded with small lamellibranchs.
Her broad deck seemed crowded with people.
The master bedroom would be too weird, too crowded with marital ghosts for comfort.
Those points are remained crowded with pedestrians, motorcycles and three-wheelers.
The bouncy castles were very crowded with kids a lot bigger than our lil 3 year old.
I’ve noticed that over time Blogs can become crowded with the same old pictures, and the same old written content.
On New Year’s Eve (aka Hogmanay) the streets become crowded with jovial partiers, drinking and celebrating happily.
Usually too crowded with a line of tourists who have read how good and cheap the food in online so pile over to it.
The beach is not that clean and rather crowded with families picknicking and school-children playing water and sand.

Khoảng 15% trường hợp dùng crowded in :
It was beyond crowded in there.
It was super crowded in the front area.
And it gets so crowded in that courtyard.
It’s getting crowded in there and all my data points to something big on the horizon.
TOO crowded in summer tourist season in my opinion but ful of colour, sights and smells.
Some districts, such as Manhattan’s Lower East Side, were the most crowded in the world.
The singles are complaining they are lonely and couples complain about the fact they feel crowded in a relationship.
And what about the rest? What can you delegate? What can you do less of? Your plate should get less crowded in a hurry.
Riding the bus The busses can get very crowded in Samoa, and most people hate to stand on the bus (I don’t blame them).
The kitchen and communal lounge are quite small and I imagine would be quite crowded in peak season, but they have two.
Khoảng 10% trường hợp dùng crowded on:
It may be very crowded on sunny days.
Very crowded on Friday, less so on Sunday.
It can get quite crowded on weekend nights.
They were headed towards a nearby park which would be quite crowded on a day like this.
Route 66: Big club with mostly R &B; and Hiphop tunes, can be very crowded on the weekends.
This attraction is very popular with Jamaicans and can become crowded on weekends and holidays.
V/Line spokesperson Daniel Moloney said train services from sporting events were among the most crowded on the network.
How it would be too crowded on a holiday to go and the traffic would be terrible and how I thought I was coming down with a cold.
Is is really that bad? Any recommendations on streets to avoid 5 replies It is true that everything will be pretty crowded on St.
It is very crowded on the bank – it is exactly a B ar street! I was surprised that those Bars are rather prosperous even in daytime.
Khoảng 9% trường hợp dùng crowded at :
It got pretty crowded at times.
And not too crowded at 11pm Friday night.
The bus is usually over crowded at that time.
It gets crowded at the freshers ‘ fair, so use closable bags and keep valuables out of sight.
I didn?? t feel crowded at that time when the traffic jams occur at just a handful of places.
There’s a small beach that can get quite crowded at high tide but there are other things to do.
Only a small place and gets quite crowded at times but Thankfully, NO SMOKE! so you don’t leave smelling like an ashtray.
Staff are friendly and although it can get crowded at weekends, you can generally get in and get some space (unlike Kehoe ‘s).
And with their low bank charges and also been state owned GCB, SSB and ADB were usually very crowded at the end of every month.
There are stunning views from beyond here, and particularly at the southern cape Laem Phrom Thep, which gets crowded at sunset.
khoảng 9% trường hợp dùng crowded for :
It all got too crowded for Abban.
This is getting too crowded for my taste.
It is very crowded for us to take the buses.
Make the wordings short and simple and not too crowded for the guests to get confused.
We booked it when we went for one of our walks, it can get quite crowded for the games.
There was a gate, but as a general thing he was too crowded for time to make use of it.
This is a worthwhile site, although it is visited by many tour groups making it very crowded for much of the time.
Unfortunately the forward and rear areas are quite small which will make it very crowded for a large number of divers.
CHOICE TREASURE was checked on jumping when crowded for room between FINAL ANSWER and CHARITY SPIRIT which shifted in.
Dinemore restaurants are generally too crowded for me and the food is always too late (have to keep reminding the waiter).
Khoảng 6% trường hợp dùng crowded during:
It is so crowded during rush hour.
Crowded during the autumn herring season.
It’s not too crowded during off-peak hours.
The place is small and it easily gets crowded during rush hour but luckily, we easily got a table.
Also count on public parks, shopping malls, and beaches to be more crowded during public holidays,.
Cameron Highlands is normally very crowded during the school holidays, weekends and festive holidays.
Beaches are less crowded during the wintertime allowing you to have engaging conversations with your love ones.
These restaurants remain crowded during dinner hours almost every day mainly on holidays till late in the night.
The place was becoming crowded during Marcus Visionary’s set, and many immediately migrated onto the dance floor.
The One Alii Beach Park can get crowded during the weekends, but during the weekdays, the beach is often deserted.
Khoảng 4% trường hợp dùng crowded by :
She felt crowded by anyone getting too close.
Penn Station expected to be less crowded by then.
EPISODE FIVE The stage was over crowded by guest artistes.
It is a limited spectrum and getting more crowded by the day.
Of the areas we visit, Ethos is in one of the more crowded by juniors.
Sure enough, I started to get crowded by the folks that wanted to run that pace.
Sagittarians can get claustrophobic, but you won’t feel crowded by a fellow Sagittarian.
A good club overall great music overpriced drinks though and gets real crowded by the end.
That way neither of you will feel crowded by the other person, and you have other people to talk to if you need to vent.
The problem is that they have been over crowded by illeterate people and your arguments are vague when you are saying believe me.
Khoảng 2% trường hợp dùng crowded around :
It’s not to crowded around here.
It really starts getting crowded around sunset, from 6.
It was the best, walking up the road to the school; used to be so crowded around school time.
The boat to England is going to be more and more crowded around September for some years to come.
The caf can get crowded around meal times so make a reservation if you plan to have a meal there.
Aside from a few crowded around tables catering to seafood connoisseurs, the water ways were mostly empty.
It really was like we were magnets to these gorgeous little children who crowded around and just watched us.
Khoảng 2% trường hợp dùng crowded of :
A rural idyll that never was — nor will be in this most crowded of isles.
Besides, crowded of them regard recognizing woman as a sexual device as something hurtful.
It is the busiest 1 and most crowded of the city’s boroughs, with a population density of about 67,000 people per square mile.
Khoảng 2% trường hợp dùng crowded into :
At daybreak, scores more crowded into churches across the island to give thanks.
It got worse as the sick and starving crowded into towns seeking relief from the workhouses.
So that left the poor people from the ‘ Mary Celeste ‘ crowded into a tiny boat at the mercy of the Atlantic, in heavy seas.
There were probably more Catholic Irish crowded into this relatively restricted stretch of coast in 1836 than in any comparable Canadian space.
Hundreds more crowded into an entirely separate building, the Calabash Centre, a few hundred years from the hospital, where another video link was established.
Crowded into the Wahine’s public rooms and forbidden to remove their lifejackets, passengers could see for themselves through the windows how terrible the storm was.
Crowded into a cell with more than 100 other men, Jenkins remembers enduring repulsive and dehumanizing conditions, with prisoners not even released to use the bathroom.
Most of the displaced have sought shelter with relatives or friends, but more than 100,000 remain crowded into camps run by the government and international aid organizations.
Crowded into one of the decrepit rooms of this abandoned house, the musicians chanted, sang, drummed, and clapped while moving on and off the stage and then through the hallways of the house.
Seeing a live fado performance is a quintessential local experience, where locals and visitors alike can be found crowded into the city’s intimate fado clubs and bars to watch a performance unfold.
In 1% of cases crowded inside is used
After soaking up the view on the west side we made our way over to the east side (through the much less crowded inside portion).
It was very crowded inside the walls of the City so Edward built his abbey to the west and he called it ‘ the church to the West ‘.
It was just him and me, but I felt rather crowded inside the lift with him, though part of the reason had to do with the smallness of the lifts in our public housing.
In 1% of cases crowded after is used
Breakfast buffet is great though it gets crowded after 9 am.
Almost all golf courses are magically less crowded after Labor Day.
Tapas: Right at the beginning of the soi, the place gets crowded after 11 and is open until 2.
Selfish me doesn’t want any more tickets — I don’t want the event to be too crowded after all! However Darren has come up with a fantastic alternative.
The gathering became over crowded after the arrival of President PTI, Javed Hashmi that the security had to remove the barricade in order to make room for the increasing number of students.
In 1% of cases crowded like is used
We didn’t want it too crowded like America.
Also not too crowded like it is in Cape Cod between Memorial and Labor Day.
Where would you suggest to go? Not too crowded like Kuta, but a more local chillout area.
In 1% of cases crowded from is used
There are also resorts, but they felt very crowded from what I saw.
Bali becomes crowded from June to September and also in December (for the winter holidays).
Ben Shave Comments (2) Outside the Top 3 2 Monday, 08 October 2012 17:06 Val/Canada Still very crowded from 4th place down.
The choice was complicated by the need to provide a larger harbour of refuge at Holyhead, as this became too crowded from ships seeking asylum.
Govind Ghat and Ghangaria get quite crowded from July to September with Sikh pilgrims on their way to Hem Kund, so it’s a good idea to book accommodations in advance.
In 1% of cases crowded due is used
In 1% of cases crowded out is used
It is just they seem crowded out of this market by the clunky old beasts.
Thanks to my profligate blogging and tweeting, all the other Kevin Marks’s get crowded out of the results on google.
Not rushing onto solids can cut down on allergic reactions and ensures that breast milk and formula won’t get crowded out of your baby’s diet.
As I note in my book, one study of Tunisians looking for work reported that young adults felt crowded out of benefits in the family, school, and labor markets.
I totally feel crowded out of my own life because I focus my mind on the things that people do and use it as some kind of gauge to measure or define myself with.
In 1% of cases crowded to is used
I’ve seen it go from good to crowded to a real nightmare that you avoid at all costs.
In the urban centres, maternity wards are often over crowded to the extent that pregnant women sleep on floors.
Birds all have their own personalities and some are worse than others, sometimes they don’t like each other and if it feels crowded to them they will peck each other to death.
In 1% of cases crowded under is used
But John Bolton has the coolest moustache ever! Nukeman60 It sure is getting crowded under that ole bus.
In 1% of cases crowded as is used
Maybe it is less crowded as the first one, and charming.
It is also more relaxing and not too crowded as to compare with Brinchang.
But at no stage does it get crowded as the number of visitors is restricted, always.
It was still very crowded as the seats on the buses are very narrow and there is never enough leg room.
It was very crowded as the judging was being done in the small rooms adjoining the halls in the Direct Energy Centre.
The self-fertilised plants were in consequence not so much crowded as the crossed, and thus had an advantage over them.
3. Crowded đi với các từ gì?
VERBS + Crowded
be | become, get
The shop became more crowded.
ADV. + Crowded
densely, extremely, very living in densely crowded conditions
The shops were all very crowded.
| increasingly | a bit, fairly, a little, pretty, quite, rather
4. Một số từ liên quan với Crowded
Từ đồng nghĩa
awash , brimful , brimming , chock-full , clean , close , compact , crammed , cramped , crushed , dense , elbow-to-elbow , filled to the rafters , fit to bust , full , full house , full up , huddled , jammed , jam-packed , loaded , lousy with , massed , mobbed , mob scene , overflowing , packed , populous , sardined , sold out , sro , standing room only , stiff with , stuffed , swarming , teeming , thick , thickset , thronged , tight , topped off , up to here , up to the hilt , wall-to-wall , confining , narrow , snug , cluttered , fussy , congested , filled , impacted , serried
Từ trái nghĩa
empty , uncongested , uncrowded , unfilled , incompact , loose