Những từ giống nhau nhưng khác nghĩa trong tiếng Anh là các từ thường bị nhầm lẫn! Sau đây, ngolongnd xin chia sẻ danh sách Những từ giống nhau nhưng khác nghĩa trong tiếng Anh phần tiếp theo.

Nội dung chính:
Những từ giống nhau nhưng khác nghĩa trong tiếng Anh
Principal vs Principle
Principal có thể được sử dụng như một danh từ hoặc tính từ. Là một danh từ, Principal dùng để chỉ người đứng đầu một trường học trong khi là một tính từ, nó dùng để chỉ điều quan trọng nhất. Principal luôn được sử dụng như danh từ để biểu thị một niềm tin đáng tin cậy.
- Their school gave a reception to their new principal.
- These two medical instruments work on the same principle.
Toward vs Towards
Toward là cách phát âm trong tiếng Anh Mỹ trong khi towards là cách phát âm là tiếng Anh Anh chuẩn.
- She gave him a gentle push towards the door.
- The soldiers were disaffected toward the government.
To vs Too
To là một giới từ chỉ hướng.
- Amos ran to school.
To cũng có thể được sử dụng trong động từ nguyên thể .
- Ann waited until the last day to do her work.
Too được sử dụng để tăng cường những gì đang được thảo luận và có thể có nghĩa là ‘cũng’- ‘also’.
- Jane too waited until the last day to do her work.
- Good morning to you too.
Stationary and Stationery
Stationary đề cập đến bất cứ thứ gì không thể di chuyển. Stationery được dùng để chỉ chất liệu viết, đặc biệt là chất liệu cao cấp.
- Her vehicle remained stationary because it had too much weight.
- I printed my homework on my best stationery.
Inquiry and Enquiry
Inquiry and enquiry có cùng một ý nghĩa. Inquiry là đánh vần theo tiếng Anh Mỹ trong khi enquiry là đánh vần theo tiếng Anh Anh.
- The inquiry was formally initiated last month.
- We thank you for your enquiry.
Their vs There
There chỉ ra một địa điểm hoặc địa điểm. They là một đại từ sở hữu ở số nhiều.
- They walked for more than three miles to reach there.
- They searched for their dog everywhere.
Lay vs Lie
Lay có nghĩa là đặt một cái gì đó xuống. Lie có nghĩa là đưa cơ thể vào tư thế ngủ.
- She lay her bag on my table.
- He will lie down after running his race.
Imply and Infer
lmply có nghĩa là chỉ ra điều gì đó mà không đề cập trực tiếp. Infer đề cập đến việc suy luận một cái gì đó từ một tình huống không rõ ràng.
- Amos implied to Ann that she was in trouble.
- She inferred that Amos wanted to lean on her from the way he was standing.
Whose vs Who’s
Who’s=who is, whose là một đại từ sở hữu.
- Who’s your best friend at school?
- Whose friend is at school?
Defence vs Defense
Defence is spelling according to British English while defense is spelling according to American English.
- I’ve never played in a defence position.
- He was the then secretary of Defense.
Assure and Ensure
Assure có nghĩa là chắc chắn với ai đó rằng điều gì đó là đúng. Ensure có nghĩa là làm tất cả những việc có thể để đảm bảo một điều gì đó xảy ra theo yêu cầu.
- Assure her that her teacher will reward her performance.
- Ensure her teacher rewards her performance.
A lot vs Allot
A lot là một cụm từ định lượng có nghĩa là nhiều thứ. Allot có nghĩa là phân phối một cái gì đó
- The baby cries a lot in the morning.
- James was asked to allot the books to the students.
Accept vs Except
Accept means to come to terms with something.
- It was hard for james to accept his failure in exams.
Except means to exclude.
- All the students except James passed their exams.
Accurate vs Precise
Accurate means very exact. Precise means close to very exact.
- The drawing of the building was accurate.
- His precise shooting skills in archery have earned him medals.
Adverse vs Averse
Adverse có nghĩa là ai đó thù địch với bạn hoặc một tình huống nào đó. Averse có nghĩa là nằm trên sự đối lập với số đông.
- The adverse weather has forced many people to stay indoors.
- The president’s averse economic solutions have made him unpopular.
All Ready vs Already
All ready is a phrase that means all is set. Already means prior to or before a specified time.
- I was all ready for the exams.
- I was already seated in the hall before James came in.
All vs Every
All is a quantifier meaning each item in a group has something common. Every means each of something.
- All the students wear a blue shirt.
- Every student should bring book to school.
All Ways vs Always
All ways means each item of a group of items. Always means every time.
- The city is receiving visitors all ways.
- The teacher is always on time for his lessons.
Appraise vs Apprise
Appraise có nghĩa là tán thành hoặc khen ngợi. Apprise có nghĩa là cập nhật.
- An employer should appraise the ability of his employees.
- We must apprise them of the dangers that may be involved.
Birth vs Berth
Birth means the act of bringing up new life. Berth is a space allocated to ships or cars for parking.
- The birth of Prince James was celebrated all over the world.
- The ship has been at the berth for 6 months awaiting clearance by authorities.
Borrow vs Lend
Borrow means to receive something from someone temporary. Lend means to give or borrow something at a cost.
- I always borrow my books from the school library because it’s cheaper than buying mine.
- The company lends out cars for events such as weddings.
Bring vs Take
Bring means to move something to or close to. Take means to move something away from.
- All the students were asked to bring their parents to school.
- All the trash was taken away from the school by the county waste management team.
Can vs Could
Can means able to. Could implies that there is a possibility but not very sure.
- James can lift a 59kg weight.
- James could lift that 59kg weight.
Cash vs Cache
Cash is money in physical form, cash or bills. Cache is storage used to store valuable items which will be retrieved in future rapidly.
- The store will discount 5% for cash payment.
- That box of spark plugs under the counter is a cache.
Comprise vs Compose
Comprise means to include items to make up something. Compose is the act of putting together items to make up something.
- A car comprises of an engine, gearbox and wheels.
- In order to compose a good car you need these items: engine, gearbox and wheels.
Desert vs Dessert
Desert it big dry portion of land that has no vegetation cover and is barren such that plants can’t thrive. Dessert is a sweet confection served as the last course of a meal.
- The northern part of our country is a desert.
- After finishing our food, James served a dessert composing of ice cream topped with back berries.