Available đi với giới từ gì? Cách sử dụng available như thế nào? chắc chắn là câu hỏi chung của rất nhiều người. Để hiểu hơn về ý nghĩa, ngữ pháp cũng như cách sử dụng “Available” trong Tiếng Anh như thế nào, hãy cùng Ngolongnd.net tìm hiểu chi tiết ngay trong bài viết dưới đây.

Nội dung chính:
Available nghĩa là gì?
Cách phát âm: /əˈveɪ.lə.bəl/
– Nghĩa thông thường: Theo từ điển Cambridge, từ vựng Available là tính từ thường được sử dụng với nghĩa là một cái gì đó sẵn có để dùng, sẵn sàng để dùng, có thể dùng được ngay mà không cần chờ đợi hoặc thông qua một cái khác.
Ví dụ:
Is there a larger size available for this dress?
Có sẵn kích thước lớn hơn của chiếc váy này không?
Our Fall catalog is currently available at our regular retailers.
Danh mục mùa thu của chúng tôi hiện có sẵn tại các nhà bán lẻ thông thường của chúng tôi.
This year, there isn’t enough money available to throw an office party.
Năm nay, không có đủ tiền để tổ chức một bữa tiệc văn phòng.
Food must be made available to famine-stricken communities.
Thực phẩm phải được cung cấp cho các cộng đồng bị nạn đói.
Is there any availability for double rooms this weekend?
Có phòng giường đôi nào vào cuối tuần này không?
Cách sử dụng available
– Theo cách sử dụng thông thường, tính từ Available thường được sử dụng với nghĩa là một cái gì đó sẵn có để dùng, sẵn sàng để dùng, có thể dùng được ngay mà không cần chờ đợi hoặc thông qua một cái khác.
Ví dụ:
This month’s appointments are available on the 2nd and 6th of the month.
Các cuộc hẹn của tháng này có sẵn vào ngày 2 và 6 của tháng.
Supermarkets are available with exotic goods.
Siêu thị có sẵn những hàng hóa kỳ lạ.
These medications are only available with a doctor’s prescription.
Những loại thuốc này chỉ có sẵn với toa thuốc của bác sĩ.
At the rear of the hall, light refreshments will be available.
Ở phía sau sảnh, đồ uống giải khát nhẹ sẽ có sẵn.
Mrs. Thomas is now unavailable. He’s in a meeting.
Thomas hiện không có mặt. Anh ta đang họp.
– Nếu ai đó hoặc điều gì đó có mặt ở đây hoặc có sẵn để sẵn sàng phục vụ chúng ta, chúng ta có đủ thời gian để làm điều gì đó
available for sth
available to do sth
Ví dụ:
I’m sorry, Laura’s not available right now. Would you like to leave her a message?
Tôi xin lỗi, Laura hiện không có mặt. Anh có muốn để lại lời nhắn cho cô ấy không?
Is Ms. Hoa available Friday evening for a conference call?
Chị Hoa có sẵn sàng vào tối thứ Sáu để tham gia một cuộc gọi hội nghị không?
I’m busy all this month but I’d be available to meet with James next month.
Tôi bận rộn cả tháng này nhưng tôi sẽ sẵn sàng gặp James vào tháng tới.
– Tính từ Available còn được sử dụng với ý nghĩa nhấn mạnh nếu một cái gì đó có sẵn, bạn có thể mua nó, sở hữu nó hoặc có nó.
make sth available
be/become available for sth
be/become available to sb
Ví dụ:
Additional money for renewable energy research has been made available by the government.
Tiền bổ sung cho nghiên cứu năng lượng tái tạo đã được chính phủ cung cấp.
In April of next year, the new release will be available for purchase.
Vào tháng 4 năm sau, bản phát hành mới sẽ có sẵn để mua.
This website may only be available to registered users.
Trang web này chỉ có thể có sẵn cho người dùng đã đăng ký.
Như đã cung cấp ở trên, cả 2 cấu trúc đều có nghĩa tương đương nhau trong khi sử dụng với cụm từ Available trong Tiếng Anh, tuy nhiên, chúng vẫn có một vài điểm khác biệt. Hãy cùng Studytienganh.vn tìm hiểu thông qua một vài ví dụ sau đây nhé!
Sự khác biệt
Ví dụ
“for” được sử dụng khi nói về một kế hoạch hoặc sự kiện.
Will you be available for the appointment?
Bạn sẽ sẵn sàng cho cuộc hẹn?
“to” được sử dụng khi nói về một hành động
Will you be available to help me move out?
Anh có sẵn sàng giúp tôi chuyển đi không?
Available đi với giới từ gì?
available + from
Our autumn catalogue is now available from our usual stockists.
available + for
There’s no money available for an office party this year.
be/become available for sth The new release will become available for purchase in April of next year.
available + to
It is vital that food is made available to the famine areas.
I’m afraid I’m not available to help with the show on the 19th.
Every available officer will be assigned to the investigation.
be/become available to sb Access to this website is only available to registered users.
Mức độ phổ biến của giới từ theo sau available
In 21% of cases available for is used
Available for replies and info.
Available for birthday parties.
Be Available for Communication.
Intercession is available for the Muslim major sinners who died without repentance.
The digital Standard Edition is only available for purchase and download at Origin.
Available for purchase online, the exclusive track is the centerpiece of the brand’s Move to the Beat? campaign.
The stu-dent buys: the teacher can rec-om-mend a text-book and make sure it is avail-able for stu-dents to buy.
The Digital Deluxe Edition of Star Wars: The Old Republic is only available for purchase and download at Origin.
It is possible, there is a considerable amount of information on these issues available for the diligent seeker.
In 21% of cases available to is used
It is available to all if they ask.
Available to all in that first link.
This list is available to the public.
This high-resolution data has generally not been available to the public until now.
If a will was filed in the court, it will almost always be available to the public.
The only other avenue available to the plaintiff was relief from forfeiture under s.
Publication scheme The office’s publication scheme details information we routinely make available to the public.
As with most of my work, the lag between me finishing it and it being available to the wider public is very long.
When education and resources are available to all without a price tag, there will be no limit to human potential.
Access to booklists and pre-class assignments for each course will be made available to the student at that time.
In 20% of cases available in is used
Sadly only available in the UK.
Dining is available in the hotel.
ATMs are available in the garage.
Colour: crystal clear Spool Size: 25m Available in the following specifications: 0.
More results from pilots in Canada are likely to be available in the near future 1.
Full discussions of a given agent or method are available in the listed references.
New app — Notes A new notes app is available in the app tray that allows you to sync it with an Evernote account.
This vinyl sticker is available in the following colours: Fitting our vinyl wall art stickers is extremely simple.
Nokia Asha 203 and Nokia Asha 202 Touch Screen Problem Repairing Solutions are available in the following article.
Forex for noobs This type of task is hard especially for beginners, and this is where the program is available in.
In 12% of cases available on is used
Available On Demand before DVD.
Available on the Android Market.
Available on the Jahnke web site.
A list of proposed cuts is available on the House Appropriations Committee website.
It is available on all but the oldest iPods, and creating notes is a piece of cake.
All the weapons they need to wage war are readily available on the civilian market.
Further information on the family stream is available on the Department of Immigration and Citizenship’s website.
Movies, music, games and much more is available on the internet and can be enjoyed via computers or smart phones.
These are available on the website of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights at **39;4902;TOOLONG.
Rose is available on the solaris workstations in BA3185 and BA3195, or can be run from the solaris server, eddie.
In 8% of cases available at is used
Available at the touch of a button.
Cambridge University Press, 1993 Also available at: **34;5706;TOOLONG Accessed Jan.
If so, try garlic supplements, available at most pharmacies and health-food stores.
A 65 million year review of climate and related information is available at JoNova.
Limited parking is also available at the north parking lot in front of the hospital, which reopens September 5th.
It is available at selected delicatessens, but if you can’t find it, any good-quality white wine vinegar will do.
If you need to open the case, you have to buy a Torx T-9 screwdriver, which is available at most hardware stores.
The newly opened service center will offer all Mobitel services available at any other Mobitel branch islandwide.
In 6% of cases available from is used
Copies are available from the U.
Available from Malvern Press, P.
Available from Lipsy The make up.
Available from Ergo Care Why sit differently? Good posture helps you work better.
The cost of the study of the study of the studies was not available from the GAO.
Good prior information can also be available from studies of the device overseas.
Status: Available View all iPhone 4 Accessories Available from July 2009 and available in 16GB and 32GB models.
Status: Available View all iPhone 4 Accessories Available from June 2010 and available in 16GB and 32GB models.
Available from 6th November, the Quick Start Pack includes offers 5 digital marketing applications at a low $19.
In 2% of cases available as is used
It’s not available as of right.
Available as a Google doc here.
Available as a PDF: English (1.
All the classic jobs are available as well as a few you might not have seen before.
In developing countries family planning should be available as part of foreign aid.
IMPORTANT: This tutorial chapter uses new node APIs which are available as of ns-2.
Governance board members maintain a distance from operations so that they are available as a ‘ court of appeal ‘.
It is available as a CD-Rom which can be requested from the Service Desk, together with the accompanying manuals.
If you can’t afford the box, it’s available as a 2-CD Experience edition alongside the remastered original album.
However, we’ve seen more and more available as the product has matured, and each new one is a delight to install.
In 2% of cases available through is used
It is available through Amazon.
Available through fugitive-glue.
Available through many independents.
We offer certain features that are only available through the use of a cookie.
Available through Bytown Bookshop in Ottawa and Characters Books in Vancouver.
Compensation may also be available through the Protection from Family Abuse Act.
It is available through the Public Works and Government Services Canada website at http: **35;16142;TOOLONG.
NAND options are the usual 16/32/64GB, with LTE-enabled models available through AT &T,; Verizon, and Sprint.
In 1% of cases available by is used
Available by prescription only.
It is simply made available by the NAS.
Sides of meat also available by reservation.
CONDITIONS OF ACCESS AND USE Access: Available by appointment to holders of a UCDA.
This kind of information is contained in other material made available by the bank.
End User Service: The services supplied or made available by the Client to End-Users.
The Earl of Chesterfield’s letters to his son were published multiple times with editions available by the 1770s.
We’re aiming to have it available by the time the book becomes out in the shops, which Century tell me is 1st May.
Fourth-line guys who can penalty kill a little bit are typically available by the dozen in free agency every year.
All but three of the wines were available by the glass and most came in around the 7-9 mark or 28-30 by the bottle.
In 1% of cases available under is used
Readily available Under section 11.
Relief from forfeiture is available under s.
It is available under the name goldbookterms.
Gopi has developed some online games that are available under the GAMES section.
Remedies less drastic than a stay of proceedings are of course available under s.
This first round represents a small portion of the funds available under the SBLF.
Note: The are different amounts available under the boost depending on the date the contract was entered into.
Freegold will be fully available under the euro-Freegold architecture because market value makes sure of that.
Please call the Records Management Section on 0131 651 4099 to request information available under this scheme.
Benefits will be those available under the Brock University Group Benefit Program for Full-time Grant Employees.
In 1% of cases available via is used
Tickets available via this link.
The link is also available via the IGF2006.
Some of them are available via the Internet.
Availability This box set was only available via the Rhino Handmade website – www.
Oh, and let’s not forget that Google makes all of this available via a public API.
Another key factor is the wealth of information that is available via the internet.
The interactivity available via the internet seemed to take many by surprise in the early days, but not anymore.
While the attraction is offloading processes, I’d like to see the entire Autodesk suite available via the cloud.
All classes are taught live as well as available via the private online Business Coaching Student Audio Library.
They’re also available via the Market API, so some sites like Appsfire have already begun integrating the video.
In 1% of cases available with is used
Available with one, two or three.
All proofs are available with me.
Not available with the Spirit Pass.
As per the data available with the council, they are receiving many applications.
There are endless possibilities that are available with the contemporary gadgets.
Yet so many advantageous features are available with the introduction of e-books.
Available with 8GB of storage capacity, the Autographer will retail at US$642 at its official review at a time.
The new generation of prom girls are very lucky to have these kinds of dresses readily available with the help.
The table below gives the details of the incidence as per the data available with the District Malaria Officer.
In 1% of cases available within is used
It is not available within the Facebook Ad Manager.
Hotels of all standards are available within the city.
The streaming will only be available within the stadium.
This is merely a sample of the many possibilities available within the country.
The code and further instructions for doing this is available within the thread.
There may be management roles available within the Flight Operations department.
Since it can not be made available within the classroom environment, it must be made available outside of it.
Due to the level of detail available within the dataset it is not as ‘ open ‘ as the rest of the Census 2011.
The list may also contain information on whether any alternative therapies are available within the practice.
They say, these shoes are over and past any other sport air shoes which are available within the market today.