Từ đồng nghĩa trong tiếng Anh là gì? Những từ đồng nghĩa tiếng Anh hay gặp trong thi. Từ đồng nghĩa là gì? Bài viết này Ngolongnd sẽ chia sẻ với bạn mọi thứ bạn cần biết về từ đồng nghĩa, bao gồm định nghĩa, các loại từ đồng nghĩa khác nhau, danh sách từ đồng nghĩa và tại sao điều quan trọng là phải biết và cách sử dụng.

Nội dung chính:
Từ đồng nghĩa là gì?
Như chúng ta đã đề cập trước đây, từ đồng nghĩa đối lập với từ trái nghĩa, bởi vì từ đồng nghĩa là những từ có cùng nghĩa. Điều đó có nghĩa là chúng nên được hoán đổi cho nhau trong bất kỳ câu nào đã cho (về mặt lý thuyết) và nó sẽ không ảnh hưởng đến ý nghĩa của toàn bộ câu.
Định nghĩa từ đồng nghĩa: từ đồng nghĩa – synonym là một từ hoặc một cụm từ có nghĩa chính xác hoặc gần giống với một từ hoặc cụm từ khác trong tiếng Anh.
Như bạn có thể đoán, điều quan trọng là bạn phải biết những từ này để sử dụng trong viết và nói. Khi bạn nghĩ đến từ đồng nghĩa, hãy nghĩ đến từ điển đồng nghĩa, vì những cuốn sách hữu ích này cung cấp cho bạn những từ đồng nghĩa cho các từ khác nhau để bạn không bao giờ phải dùng đi dùng lại cùng một từ.
Ví dụ:
- Fast Synonyms: Quick, Speedy, Rapid, Blistering, Nimble, Swift,…
- Strange Synonyms: Odd, Weird, Surreal, Queer, Astonishing, Curious, …
- Amazing Synonyms: Adorable, Spectacular, Fantastic, Irresistible, Splendid, Alluring, Dazzling, Fascinating, Lovely, Staggering,…
- Bad Synonyms: Awful, Atrocious, Disagreeable, Grievous, Infamous, Odious, Sordid, Rotten, Awful, Disheartening…
- Great Synonyms: Admirable, Amazing, Arresting, Astonishing, Awesome, Beautiful, Breathtaking, Brilliant, Capital …
Các loại từ đồng nghĩa
Từ đồng nghĩa tương đối
Những từ đồng nghĩa này được gọi như vậy bởi vì chúng là những từ có nghĩa tương tự, nhưng chúng dựa trên các mức độ khác nhau để mô tả những phẩm chất nhất định. Điều này có thể hơi phức tạp để giải thích, vì vậy các ví dụ sẽ dễ hiểu hơn nhiều trong trường hợp của các từ đồng nghĩa sau:
- Hãy xem xét các từ đồng nghĩa khác nhau cho từ attraction. Một số ví dụ về từ đồng nghĩa với hấp dẫn là – beautiful, fine, handsome, pretty. Như bạn thấy, những từ đồng nghĩa tất cả các mô tả hấp dẫn của một ai đó, một số từ mang nghĩa nhẹ hơn, mặc dù tất cả chúng về cơ bản có nghĩa là điều tương tự. Tất cả chúng đều có nghĩa giống nhau, nhưng chúng mô tả sức hấp dẫn của bạn ở các mức độ hơi khác nhau.
- Một ví dụ khác là big. Từ lớn có nghĩa là – huge, colossal, massive, ginormous – một lần nữa, tất cả chúng đều có cùng ý nghĩa, nhưng có sự khác biệt về mức độ trong mô tả của chúng về mức độ lớn của một thứ gì đó . Nếu bạn nhìn vào Tháp Eiffel ở Pháp từ bên dưới, bạn có thể mô tả nó là ginormous, bởi vì nói it’s big sẽ không công bằng. Tương tự như vậy, nếu bạn nhìn thấy Great Dane, bạn có thể mô tả nó là huge, bởi vì để nói rằng nó ginormous thì hơi quá. Các mức độ ý nghĩa khác nhau rất quan trọng, vì vậy chúng đều là từ đồng nghĩa tương đối.
Từ đồng nghĩa phong cách
Các từ đồng nghĩa theo phong cách dễ hiểu hơn nhiều, bởi vì các nghĩa hoàn toàn giống nhau, nhưng bạn sử dụng chúng thay thế cho nhau chỉ dựa trên phong cách viết mà bạn đang làm. Vì vậy, một số có thể thích hợp hơn để sử dụng trong văn bản formal, và một số khác thích hợp hơn trong văn bản informal. Hãy xem một số ví dụ:
- Doctor hoặc Doc – cả hai có nghĩa là chính xác những điều tương tự, nhưng chọn cái nào để sử dụng sẽ được hoàn toàn dựa trên phong cách của văn bản. Nếu bạn đang viết thư cho sếp của mình để yêu cầu nghỉ việc cho một cuộc hẹn khám bệnh, thì việc nói với họ rằng bạn đang đến gặp Doctor sẽ phù hợp hơn nhiều so với việc nói với họ rằng bạn đang đến thăm Doc. Tuy nhiên, nếu bạn đang nói với bạn bè của mình về lời khuyên y tế mà bạn nhận được trong một tin nhắn văn bản, bạn có thể nói với họ những gì Doc đã nói.
- Commence hoặc begin – một lần nữa, chúng có nghĩa giống hệt nhau, nhưng việc lựa chọn chúng là hoàn toàn theo phong cách. Nếu bạn đang ngồi quanh bàn ăn tối với bạn bè, thì việc hỏi “if we should begin eating” sẽ phù hợp hơn nhiều so với việc hỏi bạn “whether or not we should commence”. Tương tự như vậy, nếu bạn là bình luận viên chào mừng Thế vận hội Olympic, thì câu nói như ‘Let the games commence’ sẽ chính thức hơn một chút và do đó phù hợp hơn. Bởi vì tất cả phụ thuộc vào việc lựa chọn từ dựa trên phong cách viết hoặc cách nói cần thiết, chúng là những từ đồng nghĩa theo phong cách.
Từ đồng nghĩa theo ngữ cảnh
Những từ đồng nghĩa này có nghĩa giống nhau, nhưng chỉ dựa trên ngữ cảnh mà chúng được sử dụng. Dưới đây là một số ví dụ để làm rõ hơn điều đó:
- Buy và Get– trong một số ngữ cảnh nhất định, đây là những từ đồng nghĩa vì chúng có nghĩa giống nhau, nhưng không phải lúc nào chúng cũng được phân loại là từ đồng nghĩa vì không phải lúc nào chúng cũng có thể hoán đổi cho nhau.Telling someone to go and buy you something from the store, có thể được thay thế bằng telling them to go and get you something from the store. Chúng có thể thay thế cho nhau ở đây và có nghĩa giống nhau, vì vậy chúng là từ đồng nghĩa theo ngữ cảnh . Nếu bạn nói với ai đó rằng bạn nghĩ rằng bạn có thể get a cold, thì việc thay thế get bằng buy sẽ không hợp lý. Trong ngữ cảnh này, chúng không phải là từ đồng nghĩa.
- Active và Athletic – nếu bạn đang mô tả một người có thể chất khỏe mạnh thích tập luyện, thì bạn có thể mô tả họ là năng động hoặc thể thao và điều đó sẽ rất hợp lý. Tuy nhiên, nếu bạn đang sử dụng mạng xã hội và cập nhật trạng thái của mình thành Active, thì không thể sử dụng Athletic vì điều đó không có ý nghĩa. Bởi vì nó dựa vào ngữ cảnh, chúng là những từ đồng nghĩa theo ngữ cảnh.
Từ đồng nghĩa hoàn toàn
Những từ đồng nghĩa này là những từ đồng nghĩa ở dạng thuần túy nhất của chúng. Nó không dựa trên mức độ của bất cứ thứ gì, bối cảnh, hoặc thậm chí là sự lựa chọn phong cách. Những từ này chỉ có cùng một nghĩa và có thể được chuyển đổi bất cứ khi nào. Dưới đây là một số ví dụ:
- Perfect và flawless – những từ này có nghĩa giống hệt nhau và hoàn toàn có thể thay thế cho nhau trong mọi ngữ cảnh. Chúng không mô tả mức độ của bất cứ thứ gì vì ý nghĩa của chúng hoàn toàn giống nhau.
Tại sao phải học từ đồng nghĩa?
Từ đồng nghĩa là một số công cụ ngôn ngữ quan trọng nhất mà chúng ta có thể học, bởi vì nếu không có chúng, chúng ta sẽ rất hạn chế về vốn từ vựng của mình . Bằng cách biết các ví dụ khác nhau về từ đồng nghĩa được liệt kê ở trên, bạn có thể chắc chắn rằng mình có thể mô tả mọi thứ một cách hiệu quả. Đôi khi các từ đồng nghĩa phụ thuộc vào ngữ cảnh, mức độ mô tả hoặc sự lựa chọn văn phong, vì vậy biết cách điều chỉnh bài viết hoặc lời nói của bạn cho phù hợp với bất kỳ tình huống nào bạn đang ở là điều quan trọng!
Hy vọng rằng, hướng dẫn này sẽ dạy bạn nhiều hơn về từ đồng nghĩa và cung cấp cho bạn một số ý tưởng để bạn sử dụng trong tiếng Anh nói và viết của riêng mình!
Danh sách từ đồng nghĩa tiếng Anh hay gặp trong thi
Một danh sách phong phú các từ đồng nghĩa phổ biến trong tiếng Anh từ A đến Z với các ví dụ về từ đồng nghĩa.
Synonyms (A)
Abandon —– Forsake
- People often simply abandon their pets when they go abroad
- He had made it clear to his wife that he would never forsake her.
Able —– Capable
- You must be able to speak French for this job.
- You are capable of better work than this.
Accomplish —– Achieve
- Easy enough to say, but sometimes hard to accomplish!
- They could not achieve their target of less than 3% inflation.
Accurate —– Precise
- Scientists have found a more accurate way of dating cave paintings.
- I can be reasonably precise about the time of the incident.
Active —– Athletic
- She’s over 80, but is still very active.
- He can play any sport, he’s naturally athletic.
Admit —– Confess
- Don’t be afraid to admit to your mistakes.
- We persuaded her to confess her crime.
Agree —– Consent
- I agree with her analysis of the situation.
- I rarely consent to do interviews.
Aim —– Goal/ Purpose
- Our main aim is to increase sales in Europe.
- Your goal as a parent is to help your child become an independent adult.
- The purpose of the book is to provide a complete guide to the university.
Alike —– Same
- My mother and I are alike in many ways.
- She was born on the same day as me.
All —– Every
- The boys played video games all day.
- I enjoyed every minute of the film.
Allow —– Permit
- My parents wouldn’t allow me to go to the party
- We were not permitted any contact with each other.
Amiable —– Friendly
- Her parents seemed very amiable.
- Everyone was very friendly towards me.
Amount —– Quantity
- We’ve had an enormous amount of help from people.
- The police also found a quantity of ammunition in the flat.
Angry —– Mad/ Irritated
- Her behavior really made me angry.
- He’s always been mad about kids.
- She was getting more and more irritated at his comments.
Arrive —– Reach
- They arrived at the airport at 10.30.
- You should reach there around 9.45 a.m.
Ask —– Enquire
- We’ll have to ask someone the way to the station.
- I called the station to enquire about train times.
Assist —– Help
- Anyone willing to assist can contact this number.
- This charity aims to help people to help themselves.
Assure —– Guarantee
- We were assured that everything possible was being done.
- We cannot guarantee our flights will never be delayed.
Attire —– Dress
- Their attire was a mixture of the sombre and seaside wear.
- I am wearing the long white dress.
Away —– Absent
- There were ten children away yesterday.
- Today, he is absent from work.
Awful —– Terrible/ Bad
- The weather last summer was awful.
- That’s a terrible thing to say!
- I’m having a really bad day.
Synonyms (B)
Learn a list of synonyms that start with B with examples.
Bargain —– Deal
- The car was a bargain at that price.
- We did a deal with the management on overtime.
Begin —– Start
- He always begins his lessons with a warmup exercise.
- I only started this book yesterday.
Beginner —– Novice/ Amateur
- She’s in the beginners’ class.
- I’m a complete novice at skiing.
- The tournament is open to both amateurs and professionals.
Behave —– Act
- The doctor behaved very unprofessionally.
- John’s been acting very strangely lately.
Belly —– Stomach
- They crawled along on their bellies.
- You shouldn’t exercise on a full stomach.
Below —– Under
- He dived below the surface of the water.
- The dog squeezed under the gate and ran into the road.
Big —– Vast/ Large
- It’s the world’s biggest computer company.
- His business empire was vast.
- Brazil is the world’s largest producer of coffee.
Blank —– Empty
- Sign your name in the blank space below.
- It’s not good to drink alcohol on an empty stomach.
Blend —– Mix
- Blend together the eggs, sugar and flour.
- Mix all the ingredients together in a bowl.
Bother —– Annoy
- I don’t want to bother her with my problems at the moment.
- His constant joking was beginning to annoy her.
Brave —– Courageous
- I wasn’t brave enough to tell her what I thought of her.
- I hope people will be courageous enough to speak out against this injustice.
Broad —– Wide
- He is tall, broad and muscular.
- Her face broke into a wide grin.
Brute —– Rough/ Violent
- His father was a drunken brute.
- This watch is not designed for rough treatment.
- Her husband was a violent man.
Bucket —– Pail
- They were playing on the beach with their buckets and spades.
- It was a community that drank out of the beer pail and ate out of the lunch bucket.
Bunny —– Rabbit
- A little bunny seemed harmless enough.
- I want to have a rabbit.
Business —– Trade
- It’s been a pleasure to do business with you.
- Trade between the two countries has increased.
Buy —– Purchase
- If you’re thinking of getting a new car, now is a good time to buy.
- The equipment can be purchased from your local supplier.
Synonyms (C)
Common synonyms that start with C with examples.
Center —– Middle
- There was an enormous oak table in the center of the room.
- He was standing in the middle of the room.
Chiefly —– Mainly
- We are chiefly concerned with improving educational standards.
- They eat mainly fruit and nuts.
Child —– Kid
- I lived in London as a child.
- She’s a bright kid.
Choose —– Select/ Pick
- We have to choose a new manager from a shortlist of five candidates.
- She was selected as the parliamentary candidate for Bath.
- She picked the best cake for herself.
Chop —– Cut
- He was chopping logs for firewood.
- You need a powerful saw to cut through metal.
Close —– Shut
- I closed my eyes against the bright light.
- Philip went into his room and shut the door behind him.
Coat —– Jacket
- I have a long winter coat.
- I have to wear a jacket and tie to work.
Cold —– Chilly/ Freezing
- Today, it is very cold.
- I was feeling chilly.
- My hands are freezing!
Competent —– Capable
- He’s very competent in his work.
- You are capable of better work than this.
Complete —– Finish
- The project should be completed within a year.
- She finished law school last year.
Complex —– Complicated
- That’s a complex problem.
- The story is extremely complicated.
Connect —– Join
- The towns are connected by train and bus services.
- The island is joined to the mainland by a bridge.
Cope —– Manage
- He wasn’t able to cope with the stresses and strains of the job.
- She’s 82 and can’t manage on her own any more.
Couch —– Sofa
- Tom offered to sleep on the couch.
- I took my shoe off and lay down on the sofa.
Coarse —– Rough
- He is wearing a jacket of coarse wool.
- The skin on her hands was hard and rough.
Crash —– Accident
- A girl was killed yesterday in a crash involving a stolen car.
- He was killed in an accident.
Crook —– Criminal
- The film portrays a world of smalltime crooks, petty crime and drinking clubs.
- Lawyers are not allowed to comment on current criminal cases.
Cry —– Weep
- It’s all right. Don’t cry.
- She started to weep uncontrollably.
Cunning —– Clever
- It was a cunning piece of detective work.
- He’s clever with his hands.
Synonyms (D)
Common synonyms that start with D with examples.
Danger —– Harm
- Children’s lives are in danger every time they cross this road.
- He would never frighten anyone or cause them any harm.
Daybreak —– Dawn/ Sunrise
- We left before daybreak.
- They start work at dawn.
- We left before sunrise.
Dear —– Expensive
- Everything’s so dear now, isn’t it?
- I can’t afford it, it’s too expensive.
Defective —– Faulty
- Her hearing was found to be slightly defective.
- Ask for a refund if the goods are faulty.
Delicious —– Yummy
- This dish is delicious with cream.
- These biscuits are yummy.
Demolish —– Destroy/ Wreck
- The factory is due to be demolished next year.
- The building was completely destroyed by fire.
- The house was a wreck when we bought it.
Demonstrate —– Protest
- They are demonstrating in favor of free higher education.
- Students took to the streets to protest against the decision.
Denounce —– Blame/ Indict
- Amnesty International denounced the failure by the authorities to take action.
- The report blames poor safety standards for the accident.
- They were indicted on a number of corruption charges.
Dense —– Thick/ Heavy
- A narrow track wound steeply up through dense forest.
- This breed of cattle has a very thick coat.
- The air was heavy with the scent of flowers.
Depart —– Leave
- The train departed Amritsar at 6.15 p.m.
- The plane leaves for Dallas at 12.35.
Despise —– Hate/ Detest/ Loathe
- She thoroughly despised him for his weakness.
- He hates violence in any form.
- They detested each other on sight.
- I loathe modern art.
Destiny —– Fate
- I believe there’s some force guiding us—call it God, destiny or fate.
- By a strange twist of fate, Andy and I were on the same plane.
Destitute —– Poor/ Penniless
- When he died, his family was left completely destitute.
- They were too poor to buy shoes for the kids.
- Uncle Charlie was jobless and penniless.
Detach —– Remove
- The skis should detach from the boot if you fall.
- Three children were removed from the school for persistent bad behavior.
Deter —– Hinder
- The high price of the service could deter people from seeking advice.
- Some teachers felt hindered by a lack of resources.
Determined —– Sure/ Convinced
- I’m determined to succeed.
- You don’t sound very sure.
- I am convinced of her innocence.
Different —– Diverse
- They are sold in many different colors.
- My interests are very diverse.
Difficult —– Hard
- Your writing is really difficult to read.
- It was one of the hardest things I ever did.
Diminish —– Decrease
- The world’s resources are rapidly diminishing.
- The number of new students decreased from 210 to 160 this year.
Disappear —– Vanish
- The plane disappeared behind a cloud.
- The magician vanished in a puff of smoke.
Disclose —– Reveal
- The spokesman refused to disclose details of the takeover to the press.
- The doctors did not reveal the truth to him.
Down —– Below
- The stone rolled down the hill.
- He dived below the surface of the water.
Synonyms (E)
Learn synonym words that start with E with examples.
Earth —– Ground
- After a week at sea, it was good to feel the earth beneath our feet again.
- I found her lying on the ground.
Easy —– Simple
- It’s easy for you to tell me to keep calm, but you’re not in my position.
- The answer is really quite simple.
Encourage —– Urge
- My parents have always encouraged me in my choice of career.
- The report urged that all children be taught to swim.
End —– Finish/ Conclude
- They decided to end their relationship.
- She finished law school last year.
- She concluded her speech with a quotation from Shakespeare.
Enlarge —– Magnify
- There are plans to enlarge the recreation area.
- The picture shows the insect’s head magnified ten times.
Enormous —– Huge
- The problems facing the President are enormous.
- He gazed up at her with huge brown eyes.
Enquire —– Investigate
- I called the station to enquire about train times.
- The FBI has been called in to investigate.
Evaluate —– Assess
- Our research attempts to evaluate the effectiveness of the different drugs.
- Damage to the building was assessed at £40 000.
Everlasting —– Eternal
- To his everlasting credit, he never told anyone what I’d done.
- She’s an eternal optimist.
Extra —– Additional
- Breakfast is provided at no extra charge.
- The government provided an additional £25 million to expand the service.
Synonyms (F)
List of common synonyms that start with F with examples.
Faithful —– Loyal/ Devoted
- I have been a faithful reader of your newspaper for many years.
- She has always remained loyal to her political principles.
- They are devoted to their children.
Fall —– Drop
- September had come and the leaves were starting to fall.
- The climber slipped and dropped to his death.
False —– Untrue
- He used a false name to get the job.
- These accusations are totally untrue.
Famous —– Renowned
- He became internationally famous for his novels.
- She is renowned for her patience.
Fantastic —– Great
- The weather was absolutely fantastic.
- This represents a great achievement.
Fast —– Quick
- He’s one of the fastest runners in the world.
- She walked with short, quick steps.
Father —– Dad
- He was a wonderful father to both his natural and adopted children.
- That’s my dad over there.
Find —– Discover
- Can you find my bag for me?
- Police discovered a large stash of drugs while searching the house.
Fix —– Repair/ Mend
- I’ve fixed the problem.
- The human body has an amazing capacity to repair itself.
- Could you mend my bike for me?
Fool —– Idiot
- He told me he was an actor and I was fool enough to believe him.
- When I lost my passport, I felt such an idiot.
Forbid —– Prohibit/ Ban
- My doctor has forbidden me sugar.
- The policy prohibits smoking on school grounds.
- Chemical weapons are banned internationally.
Forgive —– Pardon
- I’ll never forgive her for what she did.
- She was pardoned after serving ten years of a life sentence.
Former —– Previous
- Nelson Mandela is a former South African president.
- She is his daughter from a previous marriage.
Fraction —– Part/ Portion/ Segment
- She hesitated for the merest fraction of a second.
- We spent part of the time in the museum.
- The central portion of the bridge collapsed.
- She cleaned a small segment of the painting.
Fragrance —– Perfume
- They are about to launch their first fragrance for men.
- She was wearing too much perfume.
Frank —– Candid
- He was very frank about his relationship with the actress.
- I felt she was being less than candid with me.
Freedom —– Liberty
- People here like their freedom and privacy.
- The concept of individual liberty is enshrined in the constitution.
Frenzy —– Fury/ Rage
- The speaker worked the crowd up into a frenzy.
- Her eyes blazed with fury.
- His face was dark with rage.
Fresh —– Unused/ New
- Let me write it down while it’s still fresh in my mind.
- The house was left unused for most of the year.
- Have you read her new novel?
Fun —– Enjoyment
- We had a lot of fun at Sarah’s party.
- I get a lot of enjoyment from music.
Funny —– Amusing/ Entertaining
- It’s not funny! Someone could have been hurt.
- It’s a very amusing game to play.
- It was a very entertaining evening.
Furious —– Angry
- She was absolutely furious at having been deceived.
- Her behavior really made me angry.
Synonyms (G)
List of synonyms that start with G with examples.
Gain —– Acquire/ Obtain
- The country gained its independence ten years ago.
- She has acquired a good knowledge of English.
- I finally managed to obtain a copy of the report.
Gallant —– Chivalrous
- That wasn’t very gallant of you.
- I was only trying to be chivalrous.
Garbage —– Trash/ Rubbish
- Don’t forget to take out the garbage.
- Will someone take out the trash?
- The streets were littered with rubbish.
Gather —– Collect
- His supporters gathered in the main square.
- The company collects information about consumer trends.
Gaunt —– Scrawny/ Skinny/ Thin
- She looked gaunt and exhausted.
- He had long scrawny fingers.
- She had wild hair and long skinny arms.
- He was tall and thin, with dark hair.
Gentle —– Tender
- He lived in a gentle age than ours.
- What he needs now is a lot of tender loving care.
Gift —– Present
- The watch was a gift from my mother.
- What can I get him for a birthday present?
Glad —– Happy/ Pleased/ Delighted/ Cheerful/ Joyful/ Merry
- She was glad when the meeting was over.
- You don’t look very happy today.
- She was very pleased with her exam results.
- I was delighted that you could stay.
- He felt bright and cheerful and full of energy.
- It was a joyful reunion of all the family.
- He’s a lovely man with merry eyes and a wide smile.
Good —– Excellent
- The piano was in good condition.
- She speaks excellent French.
Great —– Grand
- People were arriving in great numbers.
- It’s not a very grand house.
Synonyms (H)
Synonyms list that starts with H with examples.
Hat —– Cap
- I’m wearing two hats tonight—parent and teacher.
- He is wearing a baseball cap.
Have —– Own/ Possess
- I have a new car and a boat.
- I don’t own anything of any value.
- I’m afraid this is the only suitcase I possess.
Help —– Assist
- He always helps with the housework.
- We will assist you in finding somewhere to live.
Hot —– Boiling
- It was hot and getting hotter.
- You must be boiling in that sweater!
House —– Home
- He went into the house.
- We are not far from my home now.
Synonyms (I)
List of synonyms that start with I with examples.
Idea —– Thought
- I like the idea of living on a boat.
- I don’t like the thought of you walking home alone.
Important —– Significant
- Money played an important role in his life.
- Your work has shown a significant improvement.
Infant —– Baby
- She was seriously ill as an infant.
- My sister’s expecting a baby.
Inspect —– Examine
- The plants are regularly inspected for disease.
- The doctor examined her but could find nothing wrong.
Interesting —– Exciting
- It would be interesting to know what he really believed.
- They waited and waited for something exciting to happen.
Synonyms (J)
Learn synonyms list that starts with J with examples.
Job —– Occupation/ Work/ Career
- He’s trying to get a job.
- Please state your name, age and occupation below.
- It’s very difficult to find work at the moment.
- He had a very distinguished career in the Foreign Office.
Jungle —– Forest
- The area was covered in dense jungle.
- Thousands of hectares of forest are destroyed each year.
Synonyms (K)
Learn synonym words that start with K with examples.
Keep —– Hold
- She keeps the blue bear as a souvenir.
- The girl holds her father’s hand tightly.
Kind —– Helpful
- She’s a very kind and generous person.
- She’s one of the most helpful people I know.
Synonyms (L)
List of synonyms that start with L with examples.
Last —– Final/ Ultimate
- I wouldn’t marry you if you were the last person on earth!
- They find each other in the final chapter of the book.
- We will accept ultimate responsibility for whatever happens.
Late —– Tardy
- She’s late for work every day.
- The law is often tardy in reacting to changing attitudes.
Laugh —– Giggle
- She always makes me laugh.
- The girls giggled at the joke.
Learn —– Study
- She’s very keen to learn about Japanese culture.
- My brother studied at the Royal College of Art.
Like —– Love/ Enjoy/ Prefer
- I don’t like the way he’s looking at me.
- If you love each other, why not get married?
- Thanks for a great evening. I really enjoyed it.
- I prefer my coffee black.
Listen —– Hear
- I listened carefully to her story.
- He could hear a dog barking.
Long —– Endless
- There was a long silence before she spoke.
- The journey seemed endless.
Look —– Glance/ See/ Watch/ View
- If you look carefully you can just see our house from here.
- She glanced at her watch.
- I hate to see you unhappy.
- She watched the kids playing in the yard.
- People came from all over the world to view her work.
Loud —– Noisy
- She spoke in a very loud voice.
- The streets were very noisy throughout the night.
Lucky —– Fortunate
- His friend was killed and he knows he is lucky to be alive.
- I have been fortunate enough to visit many parts of the world as a lecturer.
Synonyms (M)
Learn synonyms list that starts with M with examples.
Many —– Numerous
- There are too many mistakes in this essay.
- He has been late on numerous occasions.
Misery —– Distress/ Hardship
- Fame brought her nothing but misery.
- The charity aims to relieve poverty and distress caused by natural disasters.
- People suffered many hardships during that long winter.
Mistake —– Error
- It would be a mistake to ignore his opinion.
- I think you have made an error in calculating the total.
Mix —– Stir/ Mingle/ Blend
- Oil does not mix with water.
- The vegetables are stirred into the rice while it is hot.
- He felt a kind of happiness mingled with regret.
- Blend the flour with the milk to make a smooth paste.
Mother —– Mom
- I want to buy a present for my mother and father.
- My mom says I have to stay home tonight.
Synonyms (N)
List of common synonyms that start with N with examples.
Naughty —– Mischievous
- He is a naughty boy.
- She looked slightly mischievous.
Nearly —– Almost
- The bottle’s nearly empty.
- The story is almost certainly false.
Neat —– Tidy
- She was wearing a neat black suit.
- She keeps her flat very tidy.
Synonyms (O)
List of synonyms that start with O with examples.
Occur —– Happen
- When exactly did the incident occur?
- You’ll never guess what’s happened!
Odd —– Strange/ Queer/ Weird
- The odd thing was that he didn’t recognize me.
- A strange thing happened this morning.
- She had a queer feeling that she was being watched.
- It’s really weird seeing yourself on television.
Old —– Ancient
- He always gives the same old excuses.
- That’s an ancient oak tree!
Opportunity —– Chance
- You’ll have the opportunity to ask any questions at the end.
- Please give me a chance to explain.
Outside —– Exterior
- You can’t open the door from the outside.
- The exterior of the house needs painting.
Synonyms (P)
Learn common synonyms list that starts with P with examples.
Page —– Sheet
- Someone has torn a page out of this book.
- Start each answer on a fresh sheet.
Particular —– Specific
- There is one particular patient I’d like you to see.
- The money was collected for a specific purpose.
Pastime —– Hobby
- Watching television now seems to be the most popular national pastime.
- I only play jazz as a hobby.
Pause —– Hesitate
- Anita paused for a moment, then said: ‘All right’.
- He seemed to hesitate a second.
Perform —– Act/ Carry out
- She performs an important role in our organization.
- Can you act as interpreter?
- Extensive tests have been carried out on the patient.
Place —– Put
- He placed his hand on her shoulder.
- Did you put sugar in my coffee?
Play —– Frolic
- You’ll have to play inside today.
- Lambs frolicked in the next field.
Polite —– Courteous
- Please be polite to our guests.
- The hotel staffs are friendly and courteous.
Popular —– Favorite
- This is one of our most popular designs.
- It’s one of my favorite movies.
Precarious —– Uncertain/ Insecure
- The museum is in a financially precarious position.
- They’re both uncertain about what to do.
- Insecure doors and windows make life easy for burglars.
Pretty —– Beautiful
- She is a pretty girl.
- She looked stunningly beautiful that night.
Prompt —– Immediate/ Instant
- Prompt payment of the invoice would be appreciated.
- Our immediate response to the attack was sheer horror.
- This account gives you instant access to your money.
Pull —– Tug
- Pull the chair nearer the table.
- She tried to escape but he tugged her back.
Push —– Shove
- She pushed at the door but it wouldn’t budge.
- The door wouldn’t open no matter how hard she shoved.
Synonym (Q)
List of synonyms that start with Q with examples.
Quake —– Tremble
- They are quaking in their boots at the prospect of tomorrow’s game.
- He opened the letter with trembling hands.
Quiet —– Peaceful
- I was looking forward to a quiet evening at home.
- He had a peaceful life.
Quiet —– Silent
- “Be quiet,” said the teacher.
- “Keep silent, please!”
Quite —– Fairly/ Pretty
- He plays quite well.
- I know him fairly well, but I wouldn’t say we were really close friends.
- I’m pretty sure I’ll be going.
Synonyms (R)
List of common synonyms that start with R with examples.
Raise —– Lift
- She raised the gun and fired.
- I lifted the lid of the box and peered in.
Real —– Genuine/ True
- Are those real flowers?
- Is the painting a genuine Picasso?
- The novel is based on a true story.
Receive —– Get
- He received an award for bravery from the police service.
- I got a letter from Dave this morning.
Regret —– Remorse
- She expressed her regret at the decision.
- She felt no remorse at leaving them without notice.
Reject —– Deny/ Refuse
- The prime minister rejected any idea of reforming the system.
- She denied all knowledge of the incident.
- I politely refused their invitation.
Reliable —– Dependable/ Trustworthy
- We are looking for someone who is reliable and hardworking.
- She is a dependable man.
- If you want your mom to trust you, you have to be a trustworthy person.
Remark —– Comment
- The judges remarked on the high standard of entries for the competition.
- I don’t feel I can comment on their decision.
Renew —– Resume
- The army renewed its assault on the capital.
- She resumed her career after an interval of six years.
Rescue —– Save
- He rescued a child from drowning.
- Doctors were unable to save her.
Respect —– Honor
- I have the greatest respect for your brother.
- They stood in silence as a mark of honor to her.
Respond —– Reply/ Answer
- I asked him his name, but he didn’t respond.
- He never replied to any of my letters.
- I repeated the question, but she didn’t answer.
Rest —– Relax
- The doctor told me to rest.
- Just relax and enjoy the movie.
Right —– Correct/ Proper/ True
- You were quite right to criticize him.
- Please check that these details are correct.
- We should have had a proper discussion before voting.
- I think it would be true to say that the show was a success.
Rich —– Wealthy
- Nobody gets rich from writing nowadays.
- They live in a wealthy suburb of Chicago.
Round —– Circular
- The child was watching it all with big round eyes.
- The crater was two miles across and roughly circular.
Rug —– Carpet
- There were several brightly colored rugs scattered around.
- My bedroom carpet is green.
Rule —– Law
- The 1972 act imposed direct rule from Westminster.
- The reforms have recently become law.
Synonyms (S)
Learn synonyms list that starts with S with examples.
Sack —– Bag
- We need about a sack of rice.
- She is holding a plastic bag.
Sad —– Unhappy
- We are very sad to hear that you are leaving.
- I was unhappy that she had to go.
Say —– Tell/ Talk/ Speak
- Be quiet, I have something to say.
- Tell me where you live.
- Stop talking and listen!
- The President refused to speak to the waiting journalists.
Scared —– Terrified/ Frightened/ Afraid
- She is scared of going out alone.
- I’m terrified of losing you.
- I’m frightened of walking home alone in the dark.
- I started to feel afraid of going out alone at night.
Shop —– Store
- There’s a little gift shop around the corner.
- She worked in a grocery store before going to college.
Shout —– Scream/ Yell
- I shouted for help but nobody came.
- He screamed at me to stop.
- She yelled at the child to get down from the wall.
Shy —– Bashful/ Timid/ Embarrassed
- She was too shy to ask anyone for help.
- She looked bashful when he asked her what she wanted.
- He stopped in the doorway, too timid to go in.
- He felt embarrassed at being the centre of attention.
Sick —– Ill
- Her mother’s very sick.
- Her father is seriously ill in St Luke’s hospital.
Sincere —– Honest
- He seemed sincere enough when he said he wanted to help.
- Give me your honest opinion.
Slim —– Slender/ Thin
- She was tall and slim.
- She is slender and stylish.
- She was looking pale and thin.
Small —– Little/ Tiny/ Diminutive
- They’re having a relatively small wedding.
- She gave a little laugh.
- Only a tiny minority hold such extreme views.
- She was a diminutive figure beside her husband.
Smart —– Brilliant/ Intelligent/ Clever/ Bright
- She’s smarter than her brother.
- She has one of the most brilliant minds in the country.
- She asked a lot of intelligent questions.
- He’s too clever by half, if you ask me.
- She’s probably the brightest student in the class.
Smile —– Grin
- He smiled with relief.
- They grinned with delight when they heard our news.
Sniff —– Smell
- The dog sniffed at my shoes.
- I could smell alcohol on his breath.
Sordid —– Dirty
- These were the urban poor, living in the sordid back streets and alleys of prosperous Victorian cities.
- She circled the bedroom, picking up dirty clothes.
Speech —– Lecture
- He made the announcement in a speech on television.
- He regularly gives lectures on modern French literature.
Split —– Divide
- She split the class into groups of four.
- A sentence can be divided up into meaningful segments.
Spooky —– Scary/ Creepy
- It got a bit spooky when James started telling ghost stories.
- It was a really scary moment.
- It’s kind of creepy down in the cellar!
Sprint —– Run
- Three runners sprinted past.
- I had to run to catch the bus.
Stone —– Rock
- The floors are made of stone.
- To build the tunnel, they had to cut through 500 feet of solid rock.
Story —– Tale
- He read the children a story.
- His latest book is a delightful children’s tale about talking animals.
Street —– Highway
- The bank is just across the street.
- He took highway 314 heading north.
Suggest —– Propose
- May I suggest a white wine with this dish, Sir?
- The government proposed changes to the voting system.
Sundown —– Sunset
- The celebration begins at sundown.
- Every evening at sunset the flag was lowered.
Sure —– Certain
- You don’t sound very sure.
- She looks certain to win an Oscar.
Synonym (T)
Learn synonyms list that starts with T with examples.
Talkative —– Communicative
- She was in a talkative mood.
- He wasn’t very communicative and kept things to himself.
Taxi —– Cab
- We’d better take a taxi.
- I took a cab to the airport.
Temper —– Mood
- He must learn to control his temper.
- He’s always in a bad mood.
Thankful —– Grateful
- I was thankful to see they’d all arrived safely.
- I am extremely grateful to all the teachers for their help.
Think —– Ponder/ Consider
- I didn’t think you liked sports.
- The senator pondered the question for a moment.
- She considered her options.
Toss —– Throw
- She tossed her jacket onto the bed.
- Some kids were throwing stones at the window.
Total —– Entire/ Whole
- This bought the total number of accidents so far this year to 113.
- The entire village was destroyed.
- He spent the whole day writing.
Transform —– Convert
- The photochemical reactions transform the light into electrical impulses.
- The hotel is going to be converted into a nursing home.
Trip —– Journey
- We went on a trip to the mountains.
- They went on a long train journey across India.
Trust —– Believe
- You can trust me not to tell anyone.
- I believed his lies for years.
Try —– Attempt
- I don’t know if I can come but I’ll try.
- I will attempt to answer all your questions.
Trivial —– Unimportant
- I know it sounds trivial, but I’m worried about it.
- I was just a young girl from a small town and I felt very unimportant.
Synonyms (U)
List of synonyms that start with U with examples.
Uncommon —– Unusual
- Side effects from the drug are uncommon.
- She has a very unusual name.
Uncooked —– Raw
- The steak was uncooked in the middle.
- These fish are often eaten raw.
Uneasy —– Restless/ Concerned/ Nervous/ Anxious
- His presence made her feel uneasy.
- After five years in the job, he was beginning to feel restless.
- The President is deeply concerned about this issue.
- I felt really nervous before the interview.
- He seemed anxious about the meeting.
Unfortunate —– Unlucky
- He was unfortunate to lose in the final round.
- He was very unlucky not to win.
Unlawful —– Illegal
- The jury returned a verdict of unlawful killing.
- It’s illegal to drive through a red light.
Unmarried —– Single
- She was sent away to a home for unmarried mothers.
- The apartments are ideal for single people living alone.
Usually —– Generally
- I’m usually home by 6 o’clock.
- I generally get up at six.
Synonyms (V)
List of common synonyms that start with V with examples.
Value —– Worth
- The winner will receive a prize to the value of £1 000.
- He has a personal net worth of $10 million.
Very —– Extremely
- The new building has been very much admired.
- This issue is extremely complicated.
Synonyms (W-Y)
List of synonyms that start with W,Y with examples.
Walk —– Stroll
- He walked slowly away from her.
- People were strolling along the beach.
Want —– Desire
- She’s always wanted a large family.
- We all desire health and happiness.
Weak —– Feeble
- She is still weak after her illness.
- The heartbeat was feeble and irregular.
Winner —– Victor
- The winners of the competition will be announced next month.
- There are no victors in a divorce.
Woman —– Lady
- I prefer to see a woman doctor.
- He was with an attractive young lady.
Wonderful —– Amazing
- It’s wonderful what you can do when you have to.
- It’s amazing the difference a few polite words make.
Word —– Expression
- Could I have a quick word with you?
- Her writing is full of colorful expressions.
Write —– Record
- Write your name at the top of the paper.
- The band is back in the US recording their new album.
Writer —– Author
- She’s one of my favorite writers.
- He was the author of two books on China.
Wrong —– Incorrect
- He was driving on the wrong side of the road
- His version of what happened is incorrect.
Yearly —– Annually
- The magazine is issued twice yearly.
- The exhibition is held annually.
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