Include đi với giới từ gì? Including nghĩa là gì? Để hiểu hơn về ý nghĩa, ngữ pháp cũng như cách sử dụng “Include” trong Tiếng Anh như thế nào, hãy cùng tìm hiểu chi tiết ngay trong bài viết dưới đây.

Nội dung chính:
Include là gì?
include /in’klu:d/
- ngoại động từ
- bao gồm, gồm có
- his conclusion includes all our ideas: kết luận của ông ta bao gồm tất cả ý kiến của chúng tôi
- tính đến, kể cả
- bao gồm, gồm có
Including nghĩa là gì?
including /in’klu:diɳ/
- tính từ
- bao gồm cả, kể cả
- there are twelve including the children: có mười hai người kể cả trẻ con
- up to and including December 31th: tính đến và gồm cả ngày 31 tháng chạp
- bao gồm cả, kể cả
INCLUDING là một giới từ được sử dụng để nói rằng một người hoặc một vật là một phần của một nhóm hoặc một số lượng cụ thể. Thường có nghĩa thông dụng là bao gồm và kể cả.
Ví dụ:
Including Chrismast day and Tet holiday, I’ve got a week off work.
Dịch nghĩa: Bao gồm cả ngày giáng sinh và kì nghỉ Tết, tôi đã có 1 một tuần nghỉ làm.
The camera sells for $550, not including the lens.
Dịch nghĩa: Cái máy ảnh đó có giá bán khoảng 550 dola, không bao gồm có kính kèm theo.
Including him, our office now has 18 full-time employees.
Dịch nghĩa: Bao gồm cả anh ấy, cơ quan của chúng tôi bây giờ cũng chỉ có mười tám nhân viên chính thức.
There are fifteen, including the children.
Dịch nghĩa: Có tổng mười lăm người, bao gồm cả trẻ em.
He has admitted committing several crimes, including three murders.
Dịch nghĩa: Anh ta đã thừa nhận vi phạm một số tội ác, kể cả ba vụ giết người.
The car journey took three hours, including two breaks.
Dịch nghĩa: Chuyến đi du lịch bằng ô tô đó mất khoảng ba tiếng đồng hồ, bao gồm cả thời gian nghỉ giải lao hai lần nữa.
Include đi với giới từ gì?
include sth in/on/with sth
Examples included in the showcase did not appear in the final release.
An installation CD is included with the unit.
Please include a photograph with your application.
include sb in sth
Fourteen manufacturers were included in the primary development of the new aircraft.
Độ phổ biến của giới từ sau Include
In 66% of cases include in is used
Governments, including in the U.
What should be included in the seal? A.
Her name would be included in the list.
Additional Information Further information is included in the presentation attached.
Included in that list are dozens of carcinogens (and who does nt know about these?).
We were, in fact, able to find a particular organization’s internal sites included in the our shadow ‘ ‘ database.
There are five stocks included in this imagined portfolio; each stock gets a 20 percent allocation of the capital.
Final results can be found on the TOTGR 08 web site and a summary will be included in tomorrows final Race Report.
The ability to express your findings, including in reports, is an important part of many psychologists ‘ careers.
In 6% of cases include on is used
It must be included on marine charts.
Included on the tracklist is Kelley ‘s.
Included on this list are Mattias Ohlund, J.
Sightseeing and admission fees as shown under All this included on each tour itinerary.
It sounds as, intel want’s to include on chip video-buffers so as to lower bandwidth gap.
Questions about preferences for various terms are included on the May 1995 CPS supplement.
Those included on the team are: Cristiano Blanco, Voitto Rintala, Maria Maceiras, Wooka Kim and Steven Van Zadelhoff.
Both a spell checker and a translate section are included on the site, so you’ll never be stuck for a cpla focal again.
In exchange for money, contributors had their names included on the album sleeve and received several copies of the CD.
For her, the War Memorial would not feel like a real memorial until her father’s name was included on the Roll of Honour.
In 4% of cases include for is used
Carter is included for obvious reasons.
Drinking water is included for 2 days trekking.
Links to additional information is included for some terms.
Being one of the key patterns, there are step by step photographs included for the jackets.
I purchased my house with one of their guides all the forms and a DVD were included for about 12.
The 20 premium for working on Saturdays should not be included for national minimum wage purposes.
Or, the individual slides are also included for reference as expandable thumbnails in the margin of the transcript.
Advanced features, such as automatic email notification when you have been outbid, are included for your convenience.
I make mention in the article saying that I have kids of my own and as such the photos are not included for sensationalism.
In 4% of cases include with is used
Use the Help that is included with that product.
It is already included with the plan from the carrier.
International Airfare can be included with your quote.
General Business Proxies A Proxy Form is included with this Notice of Annual Meeting.
The evil angels-the demons-will be included with Satan in his torment (Matthew 25:41).
If the BF3 beta included with MOH is anything to go by I really can not see the point of this.
The following information was included with the event: The NVIDIA OpenGL driver has encountered an out of memory error.
The percentage of WWW sites incorporating the features of a category is included with the description of that category.
Save the ELA included with their news release an open letter to Environment Minister Peter Kent asking him to intervene.
A further 14% of the addressed mail received contained additional advertising material included with a bill or statement.
In 3% of cases include as is used
It’s not included as part of the project cost.
Excursions Game Drives are included as part of the daily activities.
JFC was subsequently included as an integral part of JDK since JDK 1.
The Alliance insisted that ending child poverty was included as a goal of the Children’s Strategy.
Included Flights Flights as specified on individual tour itineraries are included as part of the price.
Often lunch will be included as part of the conference fee, and some of the days may also include a dinner.
Also we included as an author a sociologist who is expert in organizations and how to make organizations function.
He also comments that despite having undertaken ‘ lots of work ‘ at University 1, he was never included as a co-author.
The services provided through the Career Transition Services program are included as part of the rehabilitation program.
There are lots of best and top shoes makes on offer at online shops including as example, Nike, Barbie items, plus more.
In 2% of cases include at is used
Click further for the rest of 50 choices, including at no.
This does include at school, in the street, in our neighborhoods.
Many people have been victims of fraud related crimes including at ATM points.
A brief overview of the history of EMs in the states and territories is also included at Appendix Two.
The very existence of the video and/or exposition across different media (including at events) is pretty essential.
I am in NSW Australia so knew that any phone call from Victoria, Australia would have another number included at the beginning.
I’ve watched Ireland ever since I stopped playing and even against so-called lesser nations we have been dominated, including at home.
Extras Disabled access: On Request Laundry facilities: Laundry is included at The Manor, and if given to the staff in the morning it is.
Photo opportunities are included at the Karon viewpoint and cultural sights such as the sacred buddhist temple of Phuket ‘ Wat Chalong ‘.
As we’ve seen, the general public, dare I say possibly ourselves included at times, often take what we see in traditional media at face value.
In 2% of cases include by is used
This includes by air or by road.
It’s been examined before, including by a ScienceBlogs post and a Straight Dope article.
This press release was widely churned in the media including by the BBC, the Mail and in a Telegraph blog.
For instance, if you have a different stylesheet for printing, it should still be included by the <link> tag.
This additional income was included by the lender when stress testing the repayment capacity of the prospective borrower.
Comments within square brackets are not part of the original article and have been included by the translator for clarity.
In 1972, it was taken over by the Ghana Museums and Monuments Board and was included by UNESCO on the Word Heritage Sites list.
Professional officers, however, realize that such operations are subject to public scrutiny, including by citizens photographing them.
Unfortunately many people, yourself included by the sound of things, think that naturalism is the only acceptable philosophy and turn science into scientism.
These initiatives support the Government’s commitment to refocus the health system towards prevention, including by developing a comprehensive National Nutrition Policy.
In 2% of cases include within is used
The Requote and Change Order Quote variations are included within Quote.
Regarding the state of moral decay in the global community including within the U.
Also, your leasing automobile is likely previously included within your policy, anyway.
It includes within itself the principles of Svadhyaya (sacred study) and even meditation.
The Change Order and Request for Requote variations are included within Request for Quote.
How can you use the firewall? Our firewall is included within the BullGuard Internet Security suite.
The Swahili culture, to mention from so many others, includes within its rich language this African ideology26.
Self defence for the private individual in defence of life, liberty and property is not included within this ‘ solution ‘.
StudySphere has scoured the Internet to select only the finest sites to be included within its listing of educational links.
They are basically one very large room which is very beautifully decorated with a large living area included within the room.
In 2% of cases include without is used
PS computer system is a violation of these Terms and certain federal and state laws, including without limitation the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (18 U.
You agree to be financially responsible for all of your use of this Web site (as well as for use of your account by others, including without limitation minors living with you).
In 1% of cases include among is used
London-based anti-bullying organization, Beatbullying, was included among those 26.
Included among these were the East African cities of Mombasa, Pemba, Kilwa and Shofala.
Included among the range of special operations are missions to? abduct selected personnel.
If so, it is a tactic that is still current in exile politics, including among Westerners.
Included among these were the right to vote and limiting workdays as well as allowing workers to strike.
But will it make a difference in a trend that is claiming more lives nationally, including among the young.
You will read about various situations in which these issues have been thrashed out — including among fishmongers.
Had it been agreed to, their names would have been included among those of the 100,000-plus Australians killed in wars and conflicts.
It is also worth noting that two of the cities that borrowed the most in 2009 (Paranaque and Taguig) are included among the top 10 cities that invested on education.
His participation in a support group is part of the treatment courts ‘ programs and that Life After Meth is being included among the options drug court participants might choose from.
In 1% of cases include from is used
Include from three to five options for each item.
It has rightly attracted opprobrium, including from Paul Krugman.
News – is a kind of RSS-reader, which you can throw any news, including from Google Reader.
More than 30 pressmen, including from two television stations in Indonesia, were at the courthouse as early as 8am yesterday.
That, of course, is one of the reasons why we are losing so many people to Australia, including from our resource-rich area Taranaki.
The last few years has been tough for the Middle Village community who has seen it’s share of storm damage including from Hurricane Irene in 2011.
At the back, defensive lapses accompanied both of Brazil’s goals, including from Micah Richards, one of the three overage players Stuart Pearce has included in the squad.
His great performances throughout the season has earned him a place in the PFA team of the year list in 2012, he is the first one to be included from Everton after 22 years.
The clumsy broadside backfired in dramatic fashion, opening Romney to strident criticism from across the spectrum, including from embarrassed Republican members of Congress.
In 1% of cases include into is used
However, as a pack animal, he likes to be included into the family unit.
Ward fouled from behind, that ricochet could have gone anywhere, including into shays arms.
Here are some of the components that you need to include into your description: Top Commentators Facebook Page Recent Photos Your Million Dollar Dream We can not dream a dream without taking action.
In 1% of cases include through is used
But she is stressing that these can, and should, be resolved through non-violent means, including through simplification of procedures.
ECA is committed to supporting Africa? s development including through direct promotion of private investment and public-private partnerships (PPPs) as well.
For these reasons, the Australian Government is proud to be taking a leadership role within the region to combat corruption, including through the Australian aid program.
It was also agreed that the UN Environment Programme would be strengthened and upgraded, including through universal membership of its governing council and increased financing.
This process will be completed in 2010, following which we will undertake a two-year programme of rolling out the code of ethics across the group, including through training in each region.
Beyond economic gains, there are many valuable opportunities for building stronger relationships across the region, including through closer educational, cultural and people? to? people links.
More specifically, we must build up practical support to Lebanon to help manage contagion from Syria, including through increased training for the army, and increased funding for Syrian refugees.
In 1% of cases include to is used
And lets include to Iran and Iraq.
Polar ProTrainer 5 Diary data is not included to the exported file.
And always tell someone your travel plans in advance, including to where and when you intend to return.
What Fulbright said of his own country, of course, is applicable to other countries as well including to my own country.
Ryder’s whereabouts were unknown, including to her parents, and in the absence of new information, Australian media interest quickly faded.
Include to this list are amendments of previous amendments — often each amendment encompassing multiple smaller amendments within its charter.
A large part of the Syrian as well as the Persian Church followed Nestorianism, and performed great pioneering mission – including to China, 635.
Career services support students by helping them to clarify their goals, develop skills and expand their networks, including to potential employers.
Google went ahead to do the unthinkable by distributing their Android Operating System to everyone, for free, including to the wise men from the East.
Taste successfully comes to you until put them on similar to a theery diverse and may include to a lot of well known niche or else for your imparting amazing constancy.
In 1% of cases include under is used
They say theirs is a BDA layout, and was included under BBMP during its expansion in 2008.
Leaky pipes can add to your water bill, so check your plumbing system, including under your home, for any drips or leaks.
Perry reported that Petraeus was asking that Israel and Palestine be included under his Central Command (rather than under Europe, as they are now).